[hider=Dio Brando] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/9/9c/Dio_ASB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121205192744[/img] "How many breads have you eaten?" "So, did you kiss Jojo yet? Probably not... Your first wasn't Jojo! IT WAS ME, DIO!" "To conquer fear is to live." "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAAAA!" "WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY!" Full Name Dio "DIO" Brando Nickname DIO/DIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gender Male/Vampire Age 122 Birthday January 16 Astrological Sign Capricorn From & Creator Jojo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki Personality A haughty, prideful, fundmentally evil person. You may say "Oh, I'm evil as well." Dio stuck a dog in a furnace and let it die over a petty argument with its owner. Despite this, Dio has a legendary charisma and attractiveness to females, surprassing what most would associate with his villainous nature. He blames his harsh and tragic upbrining for "why he commits evil," though this is considered completely false by those who actually know him. Powers & Abilities Natural Intelligence- A natural genius from a young age, time, expierence, and ambition have only honed it further. His intelligence extends to such a degree that he was able to correctly predict and enact a plan 30 years into the future to give a trusted ally the power to recreate the universe after his death. Of course, he refusing to acknowledge such talk of his claimed mortality. Vampirism (Stone Mask)- Gained from an artifact called the Stone Mask, Dio's form of vampirism grants him super strength (his feats include walking vertically up a wall by the sheer force of jamming his feet into the wall, dropping a steamroller on someone and smashing it to bits with ease, etc), enhanced senses, regeneration, as well as the specific techniques of Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (shooting beams of compressed fluid from his eyes at such strength that it can slice stone with ease) and his Vaporization Freezing Technique (allows him to freeze human skin on impact). He also quite notably has several strange biological skills, being able to attach mind controlling "flesh buds" to normal humans (though this rarely works well enough to bother) and being able to fuse parts of humans, animals, and himself with others, allowing things like a dog with a man's head, or allowing him to take over the body of someone else once their head was severed (don't mention the seam on his neck). Of course, this comes with the obvious weaknesses to sunlight and need for blood as sustinance (he drains blood through tentacles in his fingers). The World (Stand)- A stand, or projection of a person's vital fighting spirit, is Dio's most famous and most essential ability. This inivisble projection of energy, taking the form of a strange humanoid figure, has the ability to not only fight independently of its owner, famous for it's flurry of punches, but also its most powerful ability: the ability to, for 9 seconds, to stop time for the entire world sans him (or others who can stop time), allowing him to perform his signature technique (throwing knives which hit the target when time starts) as well as fight virtually all who oppose him. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/d/d8/The_world_c252.png/revision/latest?cb=20140720193001[/img] Likes & Dislikes Likes: Fresh blood, boxing, bread, a good book, chess, shouting, rare steak Dislikes: Dogs, his brother, "weaklings", failure among subordinates, sunlight, drunkards, alcohol, his father Occupation/Hobby Head Baker at the Island Bakery; Enjoys Cooking, Weightlifting, Screaming Apartment Interior [img]https://furniturevictorian.com/shop/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/victorian-living-room-644.jpg[/img] Apartment Room 402 Possessions Super Ultra Brand Unlimited Suscreen (With fuctionally infinite SPF) Approximately 25 multi-purpose knives Stone chess set Traveling coffin Antique Arrowhead Rugby Ball Television Daniel the Man-Terrier (Freeloader dog with a human head and around same level of intelligence. Semi-vampiric) Clothing Has several of his portrayed outfit, occasionally paired with a chef's hat and apron, but can occasionally be found this out of fashion outfit: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/2/2f/DioBrando_ASB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130724160832[/img] Other Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sEQM3fu5MA Have I mentioned he's loud? Because he's really loud. Incredibly hammy. Earplugs are not required but strongly suggested. [/hider]