[quote=@Shyri] (Tex joined Diplomacy, Tex was lurking here. Where u be, Tex?) Also, 2 spots left in the Diplomacy game. If you want in, you better hurry! [/quote] Also comes with a free invitation from me to whoop Feo's behind. [quote]So far I believe that the SAC may not really offer support to the Colombian government in quelling the communist guerrillas unlike with the cartels as the guerrillas are Colombia's problem while the drug lords are a problem for all the SAC. Mihndar, is this the case? I ask since I know some Brazilian officials may have sympathies towards communist guerrillas even if they're more socialist than communist.[/quote] It has always been simply Brazilian policy to aid Columbia in facing any insurgents, drug cartels or otherwise, so you may consider them to have Brazilian support. The rest of the SAC however may not be so eager, but considering Argentina has been established as Spanish-leaning I can see them contributing significantly as well.