[center][img]http://i1084.photobucket.com/albums/j419/Anagami/Mobile%20Uploads/B4E27D04-BE79-4BD7-9BDE-8C2A8637D184_zpslr6u6co0.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=#999999][b][u]Aika Kagennotsuki[/u][/b][/color][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Eye Color:[/b] An unusual case. Her left eye is a sea green, whilst she keeps an eyepatch over her right eye. The reasoning for this? Her right eye is a literal moonstone, and despite looking normal and having a pupil and iris that can move, she is completely blind in her right eye. [b]Hair Color:[/b] A grayish-black. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Aika's physique is a strange combination of femininity and warrior's code. Muscles that are firm yet smooth, a body tones for response -- fight or flight -- yet deceiving "small", to put it to her advantage. Standing at 5'7'', and with a weight of 138 lbs., her strength is outstanding and she's better on par to fight with a man than a woman's body should. [b]Personality:[/b] [Responsibility] The younger sister of the next in line of a daimyo -- this requires a need to be responsible for people. Corruption of any kind is unacceptable as a fact, for if anything should happen to her older brother, she would need to take responsibility until circumstances would smooth out things appropriately. [Honor] Anyone born of a daimyo's family is one that needs to have honor without restriction. Whether it be to defend the weaker, poorer citizens, or to take on a duel to the death for the sake of retaining the peace. Without a care to danger, or to consequence, it is in Aika's nature to be a chivalrous individual. This...can sometimes have her mistaken as a very effeminate man, since it's not the most common thing for a woman to go defending the peasants and those of more unsavory professions. [Unaware] What even if being taken care of by other people? Her brother rarely does that, and it's usually tough love. She's used to taking care of other people. [b]Biography:[/b] A symbol to the Tongai by public means -- Aika is the younger child born of the third leading Tongai Daimyo. She was born with a grace of the Moon God, it is believed. Her right eye was a stone of Tsukiyomi himself, clear in color and glowing with the moon's light. While some thought her blessed, to stare into that eye caused the whispers of the full moon to overtake the mind and bring madness. While some thought her cursed, she could see through the eyes of the others -- glimpses of events yet to come, and sometimes she could help. With eye hidden to protect the people whilst the desire to follow in the steps of her father, Aika tries hard to maintain the length of "The Wandering Caretaker". [b]History:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Place of Birth:[/b] The Tongai Shogunate [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] A katana forged of a curious design. With dust of moonstone, shards of iron, and gentle sparks of glass to portray the true "starlit sky" of the night time. She has a habit of carrying crushed moonstone sand for general purposes. [b]Personal Affects:[/b] Aika's Moonstone Eye is a blessing and a curse to be born with. To gaze upon her eye slowly induces madness in the viewer as time progresses on, from simple shivers of the spine and tensing of the body to full-blown hysterics if left in her presence long enough should she stay within appropriate view to see her eye for all it is worth. Alternatively, her eye is capable of "seeing" glimpses of future events through the eyes of others. From a first person view, she can see simple moments -- basic "limited clairvoyance". This usually leads to her trying to be the big damn hero, even if she is. [INVENTORY] - Moonblade Katana - A large sum of gold pieces kept to give to those in need or basic necessities - Spare eyepatch in case hers breaks - Crest of her family and status - A pocketwatch forged for her sake - Basic traveling essentials [b]Other:[/b] Her name translates into "Lament of the Full Moon". [hr] [b]Daiymo Name:[/b] Kagennotsuki [b]Shogunate of Residence:[/b] Tongai [b]Status:[/b] Well-renowned for both mystical ways and public affairs. [b]Family Tree:[/b] Current family members include: The Head - Reigen Kagennotsuki: The Father of his two children, son Tsoreka, he is a kind-hearted man that took it upon himself to treat all of the people under his domain as family themselves. To treat them as children to himself -- he is a daimyo that only holds light in the eyes of those who speak for him. As a result of this, however, he is not one to partake in meetings of war or stratagem in times of crisis due to his desire to maintain the peace. The Next In Line - Tsoreka: The oldest child and only son of Reigen. His life has devoted to the study of balance -- martial arts, swordsmanship, the title of daimyo for him to take, and the care of his younger sister when needed for the mark placed upon her birth. Between his father and himself, he is actually sent as an emissary to meetings of war and rebellion potentials in place of his father, for he has potential and capacity visually surpassing his own creator's. The God-Touched - Aika: The youngest and only daughter of Reigen, Aika functions as a direct link to the needs of the people due to her desire to keep unfairness from spreading where she can. By nature of her eye, she grew up to resent such poor treatment and follow a combination of her brother and her father's way. Others? - Illegitimates/Others: Surprisingly, there are none to speak for. A close-knit family such as this still mourns occasionally over the death of the daimyo's wife. The only important political figures that would remain other than the main family would be the retainers they choose. [b]History:[/b] The origin of the Kagennotsuki family's reach of power comes from the teachings that the current Daimyo follows himself. Where others fought for scraps from the previous lord to take up the mantle, Sakemoto Kagennotsuki was but the beginning of a mere soldier. A samurai without a home and one without a family, yet he treated each man as his equal no matter his position or birth. A way of life. A way of honor. And for that, be was known as the "Wandering Caretaker". He who took of a man even if the man ambushed him. He held no grudge, he held no animosity to fellow being, and it caused...distress, for those that found a dislike for a man so [i]generous[/i]. And thus. A duel issued. A duel to the death -- to rid the violent Tongai of it's only saving light. And accept it, Sakemoto did. The ruling warlord of the time -- Daigatsu Saratobi -- faced him in a single match, Dragonfly-styled swordsmanship chosen by his preference in hopes of felling the man quickly. However... It was a duel that held no logic. He fought Sakemoto, but the latter did not unsheathe his sword. Every powerful strike, the man simply placed energy into avoiding until Daigatsu had eventually run down his energy. One misplaced step, one show of poor swordsmanship, and he was rendered without a weapon. Instead, his own soul pointed at his throne as Sakemoto held the warlord's katana at his throat. But rather than a killing blow, it found the dirt below them instead to be its resting place. And words that could never be loved down. "To kill another man so senselessly is to live without any sense of honoring the soul at their side and the passion in their eyes. You do not deserve the title of 'Warlord'." Such a burning passion for equality, to honor, is what made that man rise in place of the one he had spared -- yet, Daigatsu was not left without anything. He was instead appointed as the first of his retainers -- given a title of honor to earn as Sakemoto shifted to usher in his own sense of justice: a Daimyo that taught his people of kindness, of fairness, and of proper action. [b]Character Relation to Daiymo:[/b] The daughter of the Daimyo. Should he and her brother pass away, she is to take over as the ruling Head.