[quote=@Shyri] There Hug, I helped. [/quote] Oh shit, this is a brilliant idea! Lets see if we can get him a post ready sometime this week... [quote=@Shyri] Frederick scratched one of his many beards, and found a peanut. He had no memory of eating peanuts recently, so he began to fear that his beard may very well be alive, and moving of it's own accord while he slept. Hours later, when somebody tried to get him for dinner, they found him on the floor of his room, holding a pair of scissors, seemingly wrestling with his beards. Everyone decided it would be best to ignore it, and moved on with their lives. Frederick still has no idea where that peanut came from, but decided to let his beards live another day. [/quote] After he had washed, made his way downstairs to the throne room of the Uberpalace, where he took his seat on the Uberthrone of Prussia. The Uberthrone was thirty feet wide and seventy two feet tall, so tall that it dwarfed the courtiers who waited on him at the foot of his seat (the courtiers were, of course, literal dwarfs since Frederick liked how being surrounded by Dwarfs made him feel big). From one side of the room to the other it stretched, like an eagle stretched out majestically with a mug of beer hanging from one wing and a pretzel hanging from the other. "Mein Spaankingfuhrer" a little blonde dwarf warbled far below him, his knees bared by his high-rising lederhosen. "Lord Manhavver Deutschlong is here to see you."