[hider=WIP][center][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/4817262/large.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=turquoise][b][u]Hyun Mae[/u][/b][/color][/center] [color=turquoise][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=turquoise][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=turquoise][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Light Purple [color=turquoise][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Light Purple/White [color=turquoise][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] Hyun Mae is interesting person, who reaches the height of 5'4 and weighs around 105 pounds, in metric units he stands 1.6 meters tall while weighing around 50 kg. A strange person indeed, Hyun Mae is a confusing person as he has androgynous features making him difficult to label as one gender or another. Usually being mistaken depending on the type of clothes that he wears which confuses things further, as it is a unique outfit made of linen and then decorated with unique design that turns the sleeves into feather-like shape which barely floats off the ground. Well kept his hair reaches slightly bellow his head, and isn't really special besides it curling off to the side. With him still being young, his skill is healthy and has not many flaws to them yet. [b]Personality:[/b] An open minded individual Hyun is a person who accepts things as they are, and moves on with life as best as he can possibly do. His free-thinking and optimistic outlook in life allows him to look past the surface and doubt and into the future where it is brighter. However, his optimism makes Hyun an naive individual as he blocks out the darkness of the world and focuses on the brighter and better parts of the world and humanity making him ignorant to the darker desires of humans. At the same time, his naivety and happy outlook allows him to be creative and not be restricted and binded by the rules of others which may be a bad thing if you look at it. As well as being an young individual with so much potential, he still has a lot to learn from what he already knows. [b]Biography:[/b] Born in the mountains of the Tijang Shogunate, on these mountains Hyun was born into a family of caring parents who looked after him. As he grew up Hyun wasn't much of a trouble maker and was definitely the most peaceful child that most people knew. As he grew up he had trained in the martial arts of Akido which was countering the opponents moves, as it was a martial art he could do well considering he wasn't the most aggressive child. He however, did learned the style of martial arts quickly, learning how to watch his opponents for openings and using them. He was definitely ahead of most of the students that his teachers taught and was one of their better students, he could also hold himself against some of the weaker teachers as well. On his free time, the mountains were Hyun's escape as he painted them during the different seasons and watched, paying close attention to the details of every change that happen during these seasonal changes. He too eventually knew how instinctively paint the mountains without seeing them after so long, until eventually he decided to leave his home to presume his dreams as a painter as he showed talent of being one. [b]History:[/b] Optional [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Born in Tijang Shogunate. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Martial Arts(Akido) - Tanto [b]Personal Affects:[/b] Coming to the festival to celebrate Hyun brought: -His painting supplies to paint the festival -A bag: Carrying his stuff which are some money he earned, an festival outfit and one day of extra food -A spare Tanto in case of anything dangerous happens [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]