[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/21/c5/fd/21c5fd272f6b9d7369ad16a79862bfac.jpg[/img] [b]6'2|| 165 lbs || Black hair|| Hazel eyes[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Masaru 'Dirty Devil' Kenta [u]Age:[/u] 18 [u]Background:[/u] Masaru is a successful student, he passes his tests and gets good grades which pisses off most people. He is also the school delinquent, he is in charge of a largely known gang called 'Street Dogs'. The teachers can't complain at him for passing his exams, so he pretty much gets away with most warnings and carries on causing a ruckus within the school premises. The gang started calling him the 'Dirty Devil' due to two main factors, they are convinced he cheats during the exams and that he has a dirty sense of humour. His father passed away not long before Masaru started joining gangs and getting into fights, due to the grief of losing her husband his mother ignored the fights and carried on as if nothing was happening in hopes that she wouldn't feel upset anymore and decided to mover to the other side of town. A few years later she remarried a teacher at Masaru's school, which in turn led to Masaru having a step-dad and an older step-sister. Unfortunately his territory has been bulldozed into a new building complex so his school was soon going to merge with another to form Union High, this biggest issue here is that his old childhood friend will also be attending this school alongside her own gang. [u]School uniform[/u] Meiyo High [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/24/b7/5024b7acd2c5190d9b7a02ad53d31c32.jpg[/img] (I too, didn't make these images.)[/center]