Nyx immediately moved towards Larek and Tala, looking about them, ready to defend if need be. Throughout this whole thing, she had an arrow knocked, ready to bring her bow up in case any constructs appeared. "Let's just do this, so we can get Tala home to rest" she said, with concern. -------------------- "Very well" Jammy rose smoothly, moving across the room in a quick stride, as she gathered some soothing incenses, retuning to Orna --------------------- Prudence smiled as she shut the door behind them and said "why wouldn't I? You're family, after all" she showed them a living area, saying "make yourselfs at home, I'll just go get Railing" Sasha looked around te place, admiring the craftsmanship of some of the furniture. She ran her hand over a table, sinply to feel the smooth wood. "Eailings gotten good at making these things" ---------------- "I just cooked, and sometimes waitressed. I danced when there was no choice, I didn't offer any comforts like that" hermia said