[hider=Hazan Volintis] [centre] [h1]Havoc[/h1] [img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc162/djatomika/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG-20150319-WA0001_zpsxvuo2nvn.jpeg[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full Name[/b] Hazan Volintis (also goes by 'Haze' or 'Hazzy') [b]Species[/b] Turian [b]Age[/b] 23 [b]Gender[/b] Male [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] - Chirpy and playful. - Analytical. - Can be serious if he wants to. [b]Sexuality[/b] Bi (which is strange for a turian). [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] - Stands 6' 3" - Dark, gunmetal grey carapace - Facial paint is in white, with the pattern being [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/darkestdungeon/images/c/c9/Logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20140218212731]the arch with five spikes pointing inward towards his eyes[/url]. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] - Wears [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100209112241/masseffect/images/0/0d/Light-turian-Phantom.png]Phantom[/url]-class light armour, minus the hood. - Dons [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120312190654/masseffect/images/0/00/ME3_kuwashii_visor.png]Ariake Technologies Kuwashii Visor[/url]. [b]Equipment[/b] - [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-92_Mantis]M-92 Mantis bolt-action sniper rifle[/url] - [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-9_Tempest]M-9 Tempest machine pistol[/url] - [url=http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-96_Mattock]M-96 Mattock semi-automatic battle rifle[/url] - Tactical Cloak module. - Ammo Modification modules: Disruptor and Armour-Piercing. [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] [hider=Class: Turian Ghost] - Skilled in stealth and infiltration missions. - Skilled in maintaining stealth and using subterfuge. - Proficient in the use of long-range, highly accurate weapons like battle rifles and sniper rifles. - Proficient in hand-to-hand combat, though it is not his strong suit. - Proficient in basic AI and mainframe hacking. [/hider] [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Being a Turian is hard, but for Hazan it was even harder. His family, a line of peacekeepers and bodyguards, didn't accept the fact that he, during his boot camp, had taken a preference to more up front and violent methods than the usual, subdued tones of service under royalty that his father and mother were used to. After boot camp, his superiors recommended that he be instituted under one of the Turian military's many scouting parties that extended out into the fringe worlds, his parents were too happy to oblige, obviously to get rid of one thorn-in-the-side son. Undeterred by his family's disapproval, Hazan left Palaven and ended up on a ship to the Terminus Systems, this being hot after the drama that was the Collector Wars. However, even with that threat gone, the other threats still remained, including roving bands of pirates and mercenaries, one of which hit the scout ship that he was on. In the ensuing chaos, Hazan managed to escape in a pod, jettisoned from the craft as the crew valiantly defended it to their last. He ended up drifting near Omega, and using the pod's emergency guidance jets, deftly landed (read: crashed) it into the station's lower struts, whereupon he emerged, injured but alright. Now, his parents and superiors in training disagreed on many things about him, but the one thing they all unanimously agreed upon was the fact that this kid had a sharp eye. Where most budding turian soldiers preferred the heavier, more reliable arms like the Vindicator or Avenger, Hazan always drifted towards the Mattock, a rifle not commonly used by regular foot soldiers. Then, when given a chance to try out different weapons, he'd gravitated immediately towards the Mantis. His aim, though not incredibly stellar, still netted him admiration from his peers, and he was considered one of the best shots of his training company, though not the overall best. That belonged to another soldier that he didn't really like as a friend, but he trusted as a comrade-in-arms. This skill, he brought with him into Omega's criminal underground. Having been separated from his unit as a whole, he decided to strike out on his own for once, selling his services for credits that, though not as much as he liked, were enough to at least get by. That was when he caught the eyes of the Circle. A budding marksman selling his services on the cheap? What's not to want? With a few small contracts under his belt, it was known that Hazan, though only small-time, was proficient enough in keeping hidden, drawing attention away from himself and shooting people in the face from really far awa, qualities that were unique enough to attract attention from employers. Hazan, now going by the moniker of Havoc, gleefully accepted the opportunity, and though he's yet to even attempt his first mission with the Circle, he knows it's going to be something big. [/centre] [/hider]