Akai let out the breath she was holding as she waited for Keith to give up. "Lucky?" She repeated. Maybe she was lucky, if Keith had noticed her traps earlier, she wouldn't have won. She paced back to her brother, her vision blurring a bit before she really collapsed down on the ground. Her twin brother wasn't so lucky either as a sharp pain coursed through his head as Akai hit the ground, white streaks appearing on his hair. The temperature has gone up to its original one once she fainted. "Oh no..." Yamimori said as he recovered from his migraine and he ran a hand through his head and when he retreated it back, small bits of frost appeared. It only meant one thing, Akai was out cold because of the overuse of her power. He quickly made his way to his twin sister and carried her. It didn't need a sharp eye to see that Yamimori's hand and forearm was beginning to freeze but thanks to his power, his whole body was safe from being frozen. He lied her down and his arms started to recover from the freeze. The same could not be said about the ground below her. "This happens when she faints of overuse. We are linked together after all and it affects me whenever she faints although I only feel a quick but painful migraine and then my hair would begin to create white streaks. Don't worry though, she just needs to heat up. Oh and the same goes for her. I faint, she gets red streaks and a migraine. I have no idea why we are this connected though." He said with a reassuring smile and a shrug before looking at Casper. "Well buddy, it's your turn." He said with no hidden anger or anything. Yamimori has learned to keep his emotions in check when he's not using his powers. "Good luck man and if it would prove of help to you... he has a teleportation device but neither my sister nor I know where it is hidden."