[centre][h1]*ARDENT KROSS*[/h1] [img]http://i1366.photobucket.com/albums/r777/patrick_harkin/nahros_nihilus_by_curtseth-d67nas7_zpscauafstv.jpg[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full Name[/b] Ardent Kross [b]Species[/b] Turian [b]Age[/b] 27 [b]Gender[/b] Male [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] Kross is what you might term a 'blunt instrument' rather than a scalpel. He's a slovenly, brutish and direct. He's the sort of big guy who knows he's a big guy and uses that to get his way pretty often, throwing his weight around (often literally) to get his way. He likes the simple things in life - good food, good drink, lots of partying. Plenty of it and as loud and intense as he can get it; he'll never take one beer with dinner when he can go on an all-night bender. He takes the same approach to combat, going in loud and angry to inflict maximum damage. A psychiatrist might have a field day interviewing and diagnosing Ardent's small constellation of personality disorders and psychoses. Suffice it to say that Ardent is a tool not used lightly by the Circle, never deployed in the proximity of anything or anyone the Circle [i]likes[/i] and would prefer remains intact. He doesn't particularly care about collateral damage and if there's a level of ultra-violence that he's not willing to cross, it's not one he's encountered yet. And yet, for all his monstrosity he is a shockingly loyal individual. He considers the Circle his family and has the classical Turian loyalty and bond to the Circle instead of a homeworld or regiment. [b]Sexuality[/b] Bisexual [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] Kross has a lot of scars across his chest, arms and face from fist-fights, close calls with blades and the odd bullet wound. He has a story for each scar; some of them might even be true. Kross is extremely large for a turian, standing at nearly eight feet tall and weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. He's also extremely strong and conditioned, bound in dense, cable-like musculature. His hide is brownish and he tends to wear reddish facepaint with the Omega symbol, to denote that Omega is his place of birth. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] Kross doesn't often go without at least light body armour on, from what would be paranoia on anywhere but Omega. He favours dark colours and reds, to keep in the theme of his face markings. One of his few accessories or adornments is a necklace of shell casings from obsolete automatic weapons. True to his normal style, in a fight he wears heavy armour with simple, powerful shields. [b]Equipment[/b] Kross favours big, noisy weapons such as shotguns, heavy machine guns and hand cannons. His trademark are a pair of highly-customized Carnifex hand cannons, wielding akimbo. [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] You'd be forgiven for thinking Ardent Kross was a krogan if all you had to go on was his description. He's big and strong, nasty in a brawl and despite being severely injured multiple times, no-one's quite figured out whatever blessed silver bullet is required to finally put the stubborn drokker down for good. Hurting him just seems to make him [i]angrier[/i] and Ardent Kross becoming angry is often the prologue to a room full of people magically transforming into a room full of corpses. He's something of a local fixture on Omega and knows the station well, it's people and it's many little hidey holes. He's also been a criminal for his entire life without getting himself killed, so he's good at various forms of the graft; con schemes, sleight-of-hand. But brute force remains his favourite tactic. [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Most people think of Omega station as a place of last resort, somewhere you come only when all your other options have run out, to hide from the authorities or some other escape. It's a place of endings. But what most people don't like to talk or think about are Omega's children, the people who are born there. Ardent Kross was one such child, born to Turian mercenaries who settled on the station full-time after being injured on a mission. He was raised on stories of the First Encounter War and read weapon specs to get to sleep. Stable family lives don't really happen on Omega. Rival mercs from the Iron Teeth company had been chasing the Kross couple and stormed the apartment. What should have been in-and-out wetwork turned into a bloody two-day siege as the Kross family defended their homestead with guerrilla tactics, advanced technology and sheer spite. Unwilling to simply give up the fight and lose face, the Iron Teeth escalated and soon one small wetwork team became multiple squadrons, including at one point the deployment of light artillery. It was during this siege that Ardent got his first and tenth kills. The Iron Teeth got what they wanted, at a bloodier price than they had expected to pay. The Kross mercenary duo had fallen. With his home in rubble, Ardent took to the street full-time, making a living plying the skills his parents had given him; violence and the application thereof. Sometimes he was shaking medical clinics down for drugs to sell, other times he was extorting protection money from businesses. He joined up with some minor street punks and this eventually lead to him becoming headhunted by a larger organization, the Circle of Absolution. The price of admission was a test, a hit on Garran H'ttar, a Batarian slaver in one of the lower levels. H'ttar's one weakness was that the only time he left his stronghold - a fortified mechanics shop - was to visit his favourite noodle shop. Given that he only did so with ten armed guards, most people would have taken the subtle approach - poisoned the noodles, sniped H'ttar from across the way, left an explosive for him. Ardent Kross does not take the subtle approach. Ardent walked in the front door of the noodle shop with two hand cannons, a shotgun and an industrial buzzsaw. He left with three bullet wounds, a whole heap of bruises and H'ttar's severed head to serve as proof that the hit was complete. Now, Ticus Rakaelum is not a fool; he knew that Kross could be a timebomb if handled incorrectly. But he also knew that it was a timebomb he'd rather have control over whose detonation he could set the time, date and, most importantly, target. So he took Kross on board, kept him placated and at arm's length but has not called on his talents often. This means that though Kross has been a member of the syndicate for about six months, he's still functionally entry-level and lacks many of the proper protections the syndicate can offer. And that's something Kross is going to need soon; H'ttar's people are going to be looking for the blood and the Iron Teeth have realized that someone survived their hit on the Kross household..[/centre]