[center][h1]Arisaka Hayabusa[/h1] [b]Arisaka Myuzu Hayabusa, PhD[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHX6zpwZYeY]Theme: Happy Synthesizer[/url] [b]Species[/b] Human [b]Age[/b] 24 [b]Gender[/b] Female [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] [center]Arisaka can be described best as “happy-go-lucky”. She always seems oblivious to all the darkness around her and keeps a sort of child-like innocence. Most people don’t trust Arisaka due to the fact her personality doesn’t match her surroundings what so ever, but she tries to be friendly anyways. She always hides her abilities under the facade of smiles or occasionally a very “professional hitman” sort of attitude. Even in battle, she is show as calm, and even a bit hyperactive. When not fighting, she can be put in the little sister category, often bugging her teammates, lazing about and easting sweets before mealtime. She does often exploit her adorability to her advantage like bypassing security or infiltrating guarded areas. [b]Sexuality[/b] Bi [center][h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3][/center] [hider=Appearance][img] https://www.invest4justice.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/5526117482_d0a49ab561_z.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] 5 ft, 9 in She is of Asian dissent and has dark brown hair with black highlight that you wouldn’t be able to tell. Her body seems slender and modest but she is quite athletic and a moderate bust size. She has big eyes with heterochormia, but it is not natural, her left eye is black while her left eye is purple and the skin around it has been stitched on and is a bit lighter in color.[/center] [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] She were a form-fitting black trench coat that opens up towards the middle and has a utility belt around the waist and several belts all over the suit, most of them for style. Arisaka also wear thigh high, latex boots, each one with a hidden knife in it. She also has a hood that is similar to that of Katsumi’s but she rarely wears it. [b]Equipment[/b] Two M-25 Hornets SMGs One M-6 Carifex Pistol Two extendable alloy knives 4 lift grenades Tech armor module Cryo Blast and Overload Omni-Tool modifications [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] -Good shot with smaller guns -Skilled in hand-to-hand combat and CQC -Very knowledgeable in engineering and electronics -The Biotic skills Throw and Warp -Limited knowledge on communications and physics [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Arisaka has no memories of her parents, she was born into slavery and sold to new masters shortly after. Much of her childhood consisted of servitude and being forced to repair some of Omega’s most dangerous and hazardous equipment with little help or safety precaution. She has seen many people die from being launched into space, electrocuted or impaled. Despite all of this, she always remained calm can tried to justified on why some people lived and why some people died. “Maybe they didn’t check their cables” or “He should have worn better gloves.” Is what Arisaka said on many occasion after seeing her friends die in horrible ways. Arisaka herself would be a victim when a transformer exploded, taking a part of her face and left eye with it. She would get a bit of flesh sewn to replace it and would also be given an eye transplant, albeit a different color. When she had finally reached her teenaged years, he biotic abilities awoken and she was sold to an underground pit-fighting club. She would fight under the name of “Scarlet Bullet” and some became an experienced CQC fighter and a learned biotic. Once again, stuck in her innocent mindset, she tried to justified the people she killed in the pit with “They were bad people” or “They were going to die anyways, I just quickened the past”. She soon learned that her cute appearance meant that there was good money to be made hanging around visitors after the fights, learning how to extort the male watchers for all the money they had and then some. At the age of 18, she was finally able to buy her freedom and tried to enter schooling. However, no school on Omega would accept a former pit-fighter as 1) She didn’t have any prior school and 2) It was Omega, they didn’t care about one girl. Determined to surprise them all, Arisaka got a job at a local gun shop and used her wages to buy audio tapes of engineering lessons and when she took the test, she scored amongst the top 10. After 4 years of intense schooling, Arisaka had gotten a degree in Engineering (or the Omega equivalent). However, a weapon malfunction had killed her boss some years earlier and Arisaka was out of a job. After hearing about a local gang needing help, she eagerly joined up. [/center]