[quote=@Destinyfailhorror17] back sorry had to go out and eat lunch with parents. I might do a roll call when the party happens soon. anyway anyone chars free I got Iyo sitting on the gate wall. [/quote] Katya is free she trying to find her way around the school and failing although I can't post for a little while I have to have a nap then head of to work. If you want to interact with her. I give permission bring her to Iyo if you want, just don't mind the wait in reply I don't have comp access at work. [quote=@liferusher] I played Osu for 7 houres in a row with only 2 minute breaks in a hour and my arm hurts like hell now xd. But i feel like i improved in it altough my arm will probably shred off [/quote] Dam that's impressive! May I ask how hard where the songs you where doing? I don't play Osu but I few friends of mine do and they told some song are simply brutal.