[center]In the land of Fiore there is a guild called Fairy Tail. In the ranks of this guild there are powerful wizards who have made history but their time to make history has passed. Now it's up to a group of friends to return Fairy Tail back to the way it was, because this is our guild. Hello everyone! I am the ever amazing booksmusicanime or as most people call me I am Books. This is my fourth Fairy Tail roleplay and a reboot of one I started a few months ago. So now I found it time to reboot it. Now for the ever amazing rules! 1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPS. 2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal 3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice. 4. Please once you have finished your CS post it in the Character area. It saves people the hassle of trying to find your character. 5. NO MAIN CHARACTERS PLEASE! And no children characters of the characters from the show 6. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that. 7. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome. 8. This will be a first come first serve. There are only 6 spots in this roleplay. 9. PM me to ask if you can be a S-Class there will only be a few S-Class Members of the Roleplay. 10. NO WEIRD POWERS!! I'll tell you when a power is weird. Also there will be two Dragon Slayers. 11. YOU CANNOT BE A NEW MEMBER!! It's a pain to deal with. 12. YOU CAN ONLY HAVE TWO CHARACTERS!! Be on your toes because you might get a PM to be a bad guy for a Arc. 13. NO FOURTH WALL BREAKING! Just please don't it will kill a roleplay. 14. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time. Now for our form![/center] [hider=The Form] Appearance: First Name: Last Name (If Any): Gender: Age: Height: Weight: Personality (Optional): Bio (Optional): Location of Guild Mark: Color: Likes: Dislikes: Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1): Outfit (Optional): Theme Song (Optional): Other: [/hider] [center][b]8/8 Spots (CAN BE CHANGED)[/b] [b]Accepted Characters[/b] [i]booksmusicanime - Felicia (Vesper) Ciro NekoJordan - Xander Sakurai The ghost in black - Eris Sakurai Alekanekalia - Max Gareth - Jeff Zook Slendy - Simon Linen AcetheKidd - Avery (Soundtrack)/Kari [/i] [b]Reserved Spots[/b] [i]ShadowVentus[/i][/center]