[b][HELLO! Is this still open?][/b] [center] Name: Flora Nirvana Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Leafeon Personality: Flora is a very gentle gijinka. He's honestly rather soft spoken, and rarely steps over the line. If there is one thing that he knows, it's when to not step over what is and isn't acceptable. He hates making his friends and acquaintances uncomfortable, and will often go out of his way to make sure that they're feeling alright. Articulation is something he's adept at; he's good at explaining complicated concepts with simple words. He's often seen at negotiation tables due to this, and he plays a key role in diplomacy and making relationships friendlier. While he isn't as energetic or as amiable as many others, some find solace within his quietness. He is very good at giving out advice, but is plagued by insecurities that often drag him down. When he needs to be frank, he usually isn't, and can attempt to beat around the bush whenever criticizing others. He may be good at explaining most things, but not his own feelings. He isn't that good with dealing with his own emotions. He fights and causes damage instead of attempting to deal with his true feelings. He's intuitive, and often knows what emotions people are feeling based on their speech patterns and body language. Flora is actually a very vicious gijinka. He takes solace in making his enemies suffer, and doesn't relent even when they ask for mercy. He enjoys the feeling of their blood on his hands. He gets very disappointed when negotiations are done instead of battles. He's never ashamed of these feelings, he loves the feeling of the adrenaline that battles supply him with. His softness outside of battle is genuine, but those who see him in combat are often intimidated by his thirst for blood. He has a deep-rooted hatred of abusers of any kind. He goes out of his way to kill abusers of any kind. Outside of battle, Flora doesn't really have an overbearing sense of pride, but he isn't exactly insecure either. He believes that he's not deserving of the kindness shown to him, due to how vicious he's been in the past. Of course, as a hunter, he needs to have a vicious side to him. Although insecure, he stops at nothing to get what he desires. He doesn't beat around the bush when telling others about their flaws. He's honestly rather pessimistic, and sees the worst parts of people rather than the best parts. It's not often that he'll jump to conclusions, but he's more of a glass half empty person. Although he tries to see only the best parts of people, he always seems to ultimately fail. He tries to be friendly with all of his allies, but he gets a bit anxious around strangers until he's observed them interacting with others first. When it comes time for a fight or flight reaction, most often his personality will do a 180. He's not exactly a humanitarian, as he doesn't voice any opinion against killing his enemies. He doesn't easily feel guilty when dealing with his designated enemies. Flora, despite his beautiful exterior, is a destructive and ferocious Leafeon with a massive amount of hatred bubbling inside of him. He appears very graceful and gentle towards any newcomers. But that demeanor can change over time. He tries to cover up the inner malice that boils inside of him, but has a hard time restraining his moods. He's sometimes stable emotionally, and sometimes he's not. It happens randomly. Even though Flora appears very timid and kind, he is very brave, perhaps foolishly so. He doesn't openly strive towards conflict. And he isn't hotheaded, but he does love battling and hurting his enemies. Flora has a habit of belittling people he doesn't like. If he dislikes someone in the same guild as he's in, but he can't harm them, then he'll just settle for annoying and attempting to provoke them. Flora can at times rely on cheap shots or seduction to win conflicts. He's not against flirting with any gender whatsoever. He's accustomed to doing whatever it takes to fulfill his missions and to utterly destroy his enemies. Appearance: Flora has an exceedingly soft complexion and look to him. There is absolutely nothing roguish or threatening about him from an outsider's standpoint. He's lean, standing at about 5'11", but he's more willowy than he appears. He does have a fair amount of muscle to him, and is better at lifting heavy weights than Happy is. He does have a good amount of strength to him, but also moves fast on the battlefield. This makes him a fairly mixed attacker. His skin is moderately tanned. Scars lance across his form, most of them on his back, hinting at a relationship that was less than favorable with a previous employers. He has long, elegant legs. He has refined, artist's hands with nimble fingers. His face has a gentle, sloping jawline, with finely-shaped, deep brown eyes. His nose is curved aristocratically. The most frequently-worn expression of his is a small, softhearted smile. He wears his hair fluffy and flowing down to the base of his neck; bangs slope into his face and frame it, but don't fall into his eyes. His hair is a pale grass green, but the coloration blends to become blondish-tan. He'll usually wear a hood to conceal his Leafeon ears, as well as the leaf that plagues the front part of his hair. Ginjika Pokemon Clothing: His fashion sense is earthy. Most of all, he prefers tans, browns and mellow greens. Perhaps he'll sneak pale blue in there somewhere... But otherwise, he only seeks ornateness within the garments, not the coloration. Most commonly, what he wears can be considered a bit 'old fashioned' but he definitely works it. Waistcoats, men's boots that go right below his knees, as well as blazers. Most of these are not the typical colors of what they usually would be. Rarely does he ever wear shorts, or anything plaid. Occupation: Hunter Team Type: Hunter Team: None yet Crush/lover: None yet Other: ----- Name: Nyx Nocturn Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Species: Umbreon Personality: Nyx is apathetic. He's intolerant of the most others aruond. It would be better if his enemies were all just dead. Much unlike Flora, he does not value blood ties over others. He does not bother to wear the gentle exterior, and is cold and blunt whenever he sees fit. He's only 'mushy' towards any friends who he might have, but he has a general mistrust of any populace, even those who are on the same team as he is. If there is one gijinka he does trust it's Flora. Because Flora's 'too stupid' and genuinely believes in him. He loves his brother, but bitterly in the way that he'd kill him if he came down to it. Nyx is much more confused about his feelings. He does not try to socialize with anyone, and will only lash out if spoken to first. He's honestly rather impatient, and unapproachable on the outside. He purposefully remains unapproachable. He fears making close ties with others due to having lost others close to him in the past. Due to this, he's rather brutal and even a bit sociopathic now, attempting to cut all close ties with others. It's difficult for him to shut out sweet, persistent people who insist on keeping him company. Nyx is the more protective of the two. He's thoroughly more likely to stand up for others getting picked on. He hates watching others get ganged up on because it's happened to him so many times when he was much younger. He's never quite forgotten what happened to him in the past. While he isn't directly enthusiastic about harboring relationships, he's more likely than Flora to have a genuine one and likely become the "mother" of the group. He can forge genuine bonds much easier than his brother. He is less likely to initiate friendly fire. Nyx is kinder, and more able to deal with his inner emotions rather than shoving them away. Nyx also takes great pride in being prepared for unlikely situations. He's very flexible and able to adjust to new settings. He just about has no 'berserk button' like Flora does, and is rather proud about having more positive features which his brother does not. Where Flora isn't that good of a gijinka, Nyx has the potential to be. Nyx knows he's a gijinka with better morals and a better inside than Flora. He just doesn't believe he needs to try and be better in order to best Flora. Nyx hates idle gossipers and those who start unnecessary rumors. He silences the rumors by going to the source and eliminating the one who started them. No one really dares to start a rumor about Nyx because of this. Appearance: Nyx is noticeably alike his brother, Flora in terms of appearance. He's paler, with black hair going down right below his ears, it's tinted yellow in the front, but the color eventually blends in to be all black. It's soft, with two pieces/clumps of it much longer than the rest, going down to his chest. His nose is a bit broader, as is his jawline which is hard-set instead of gentle. His umbreon ears are often disguised underneath a hat. His eyes are a deep red. His most frequently worn-expressions are a sneer or a sardonic smile. Nyx has the same, aristocratic build as his brother, but he's honestly a more than a bit broader. He's more of a defensive wall, but certainly has less speed and agility than his brother. He's just as tall, but with more muscle and less speed to him. He can't move as fast in battle, but makes up for it with strength. His scars are less in number, but most of them are on his shoulders with a few, isolated ones on his back. His legs might be long, but he's not that capable of moving too fast. He's better at lifting heavy weights than he is at running long distances in a short amount of time. His clothing style is baggy, and most of his garments are black. He wears baggy pants that go over his sneakers, and can often wear a loose, yellow tie over his black shirts. He wears back, finger less gloves as well. He wears Ushanka hats to cover his Umbreon ears. He wears shorts that go below his knees in the summer with short sleeved shirts, and abandons his hat for a hood. During the summer, he rarely goes outside unless he's traveling. He doesn't wear waistcoats and he absolutely despises suits, or anything of the sort. Occupation: Hunter Team Type: Hunter Team: None yet Crush/lover: None yet Other: [/center]