Oh, now we have a bit of history of what the thief was doing, too. Nice. Yepp, the secret shaman thing is alright, I know nothing that should make that impossible. "She very much prefers attacking from a distance (or at least while standing behind someone else)". Sorry, not skilled enough for Eclipse yet. Two spaces range for magic. Haha. No, that's nothing wrong, but attacking from a distance or while standing behind someone else is the same range, Fire Emblem style. Same range as arrows, assuming the archer isn't using a longbow. Well, she can get D-rank in tomes without ever attacking anyone, and without actual fighting experience I would say Level 1 would make sense. Though, I don't mind 2, it is still low enough to be sensible and we could say she practiced her way to Level 2 somehow. I'm not going to be nightmarishly strict on those points.