[quote=@Argetlam350] [/quote] Botan Ichihara is accepted. He may be posted in the Characters Tab. That makes a total of five accepted characters. Then there is Pie Flavor's character who's history is all that is needed to be worked on. So, that will make six once he is done. Until then, let's start some conversation. Conversation One: So far, this has gotten far enough that I feel it is time for me to reveal the one thing which placed the idea of this in my head. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3eVbHChxDk]Here it is[/url], Chris J. Nairn's The Year of the Snake. It just popped up during my daily look through my subscriptions and I decided to listen to it. Lo and behold, I got the idea for an Asian inspired roleplay. Of course, I don't really have an inkling of what I was going to do for it but then I just started writing and what we have today is what was created. Conversation Two: As a Dark Souls fan, I personally find it really cool to see Alonne's model used in this. Personally, I think he fits the role of a samurai really well. Particularly, he fits the role of a wandering rōnin. He comes from lands far from that of the Old Iron King and helps him rise from the meager beginnings of his kingdom to a powerful lord. Yet, at least from my stand point, it was this meager beginnings that Alonne was drawn to. He felt he could help the Iron King and thus stayed with him. Once the Iron King was powerful enough to guide himself, Alonne left for he felt he had achieved his goal. Now then, let the life of conversation flow through this thread like a river flows from a mountain or ocean.