[hider=gilberto] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pandorahearts/images/d/dd/Gil_Nightray.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121110152110[/img] [/hider] Full Name Gilbert Nightray Nickname Gilbert of "Gil" Gender Male Age Physically 24, 125 actual Birthday February 5th Astrological Sign Aquarius From & Creator Pandora Hearts - Jun Mochizuki Personality [list] [*]Gruff [*]Reserved [*]Loyal [*]Observant [*]Protective [/list] Gilbert Nightray is a man of many faces. Towards most newcomers, he appears rather cold and reserved. There are many who consider him rather unapproachable due to this, and how disinterested he seems in most people at first glance. The kind, timid, easily picked on boy he once was has long vanished into a stronger, colder person with a deadly cunning. Yet, the endless loyalty he had then hasn't faded. He would gladly cheat, lie and even die for his friends, Oz specifically. He is driven by a need to accompany and protect those who he holds close. If anyone is a threat to Oz, he specifically targets them and won't rest until they're dead. His exterior seems rather frigid, as shown by his cold, unyielding gaze and expressions. Yet, Gilbert warms towards certain people after knowing them for a significant amount of time. Also, if he knows you're an ally, he's more likely to be more hospitable. Beneath the cold exterior is a loyal person who would go to the ends of the earth to support his friends. Besides his duties to his master, he is very independent and does not like to have his schedule restrained. He enjoys his alone time significantly, and often cooks, practices his shooting and aim, goes for a quick smoke, or even reluctantly has a cup of tea with Xerxes Break. He likes being useful to Oz and those around him. He also doesn't like following a mundane schedule, and hates repetitiveness. He often attempts to change his schedule at least a tiny bit each day. This doesn't necessarily mean traveling all around, because he doesn't really have the time of money to do that. He knows he has too many responsibilities, and he isn't the type to just leave and abandon people. He can get irritated very quickly at times, even more when dealing with Alice or Xerxes Break, or any threat to Oz. He has a habit of disliking stubborn people, even though he can kind of be stubborn himself. He's ridiculously stubborn, and is willing to do terrible things if he's commanded to by Oz. He's weak-willed when it comes to Oz, but can be stubborn and stand up to those who have more power than he does for the sake of others. This is one of his fatal flaws and can certainly get him harmed. Powers & Abilities [list] [*]Talented with guns [*]High physical resistance [*]Very speedy fighter [/list] He as control of a [i]chain[/i] called Raven. Raven can do the following: [list] [*]Create dangerous blue flames [*]Able to somewhat seal the power of other chains, or summons [*]Create Illusions [/list] Likes [list] [*]Dogs [*]Generous People [*]Gourmet Food [*]Violin music [*]Cool, mild weather [/list] Dislikes [list] [*]Cats [*]Food with extremely spicy/sweet/salty/etc flavoring [*]Deadlines [*]Severely humid weather [/list] Occupation/Hobby Gilbert is rather talented with cooking. Apartment Interior [hider=Apartment Interior] [img]http://www.neotango.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/luxury-apartment.jpg[/img] [/hider] Apartment Room 207 Possessions [list] [*]Gun [*]His infamous hat [*]Bookof Edgar Allen Poe's best stories [*]Pocketwatch [/list] [ Each Islanders have eight total. Can be a sport's item, a weapon, a pet, a gaming console, a book, etc. ] Clothing [hider=what he most commonly wears] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/pandorahearts/images/d/d9/Gilbert_concept.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110514171148[/img] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pandorahearts/images/b/b6/Gil_Costumes.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110721154258[/img] [/hider] Other N/A