That's what I was kind of aiming for. It would explain why she needs to have the smoke and mirrors to cover her feeding habits. I was also thinking she would be a bit unstable mentally at times as a side effect of her species/breeding. Hourglass City sounds awesome! For the slums and poorer housing, we could base it off London and have them near the water/docks? While richer people live nearer the center of the city. The middle class can be sort of a buffer between the über rich and the slums. I like the idea of werewolves be sort of a tank class. They could be a bit more dangerous just because they tend to seek out packs and are just plain hard to take down but considered slightly less of a threat just because they tend to stay in the more rural areas. While vampires might be more of a problem just because they tend to be very suave and likable, making friends in high places easily? I like the idea either way of werewolves being the powerhouses physically and vampires being the speed demons.