[centre][h1]*Sela*[/h1] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/massfanon/images/1/14/Mirei.png/revision/latest?cb=20120524202659[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full Name[/b] Sela’Migar nar Naraam (Currently) Sela’Migar vas Naraam (Past) [b]Species[/b] Quarian [b]Age[/b] Human Equivalent of 27 [b]Gender[/b] Female [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] Sela had always been a bit eccentric. While a savant with technology, she can be a bit apathetic to her fellow organics - particularly when they see something difficult yet simple to her. Her manner of speech is rather blunt as she hates sugar coating what she means and values jumping directly to the point. Its gotten her into trouble many times before, but her colleagues often value the things she says — when constructive — in the end. While not reckless by any means, Sela believes in doing something with great promise rather than asking for permission. If she sees and opportunity she can exploit, she’ll take it. Regardless if it’s in popular opinion or not. Her reputation — and fall from grace — has been based on this. Usually the results from this are good, but when failure happens, the consequences are heavy. A drop in her sarcastic tone only happens with those she sees as an equal or when she’s talking about anything synthetic. She has a great love for little plush dolls sold at souvenir shops. [b]Sexuality[/b] Pansexual [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] Sela is approximately 5’7” making her average height for her people. Quarians coming from the Naraam were naturally taller than other live ships, which quarian scientist are constantly trying to analyze and explain. Underneath her mask, she has rich, brown hair and purple-ish eyes. Her face is sharp and angular giving her the image of beautiful elegance and arrogance at times. She also has markings on her neck and face that is common amongst her people. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] The clothing and armor available to Sela is rather limited. The majority of the time, she wears her environmental suit and that’d be the end of it. However, she does have the Combat Engineers environmental suit from her time in the Migrant Marines. However, that variation is sparsely worn though she keeps it with her. [b]Equipment[/b] M12-Locust M-5 Phalanx EMP grenades Modified omni-tool Personal VI (As a researcher in synthetics, Sela has been working on evolving a VI to an AI.) [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] [Hider=Quarian Savant] At a young age, Sela was praised as one of the brightest minds in technology - particularly with an emphasis on synthetics and hardware. While she’s somewhat proficient in the mechanisms of hand-to-hand and weapons usage, she prefers to rain death via her drones, powers, malfunctions, and using the environment against her foes. It’s always a good day in her book when her beautiful machines or tech powers takes care of things. If her methods prove ineffective, it’s simply a sign to her that she needs to tweak things a bit more. [/Hider] [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Born on the Sharik, Sela began her earlier years just like any other quarian. Since childhood, she was taught how it was every quarians duty to sacrifice for the fleet and place its security above any other. While she agreed with the preservation of her people, when the Geth War was taught, Sela had much more different views on the matter. Instead of the great enemy, she had wonder. When she was old enough, Sela went out on her pilgrimage traveling from one place to another. On her journey, she discovered, by chance, a salvager who was selling tech recovered from the Perseus Veil. Unbeknownst to the salvager at the time, what he mistook for a mere data chip was Geth technology that Sela discovered after going through it. The contents were astonishing to the quarian. Details on how to run a more effective interface was gleamed from the chip as Sela tested it out on her omnitool and several monitors that stores allowed her to tamper with. After dozens of trials and further innovations, Sela returned back to the fleet carrying the data she’d discovered and improved. Upon her arrival, Sela presented her findings to the Naraam who’s captain accepted her after demonstrating her contribution. However, the origins of the information wasn’t lost to the quarians. Because of the data was Geth in nature, Sela was kept under guard as quarian scientist scanned through her contribution to ensure that it couldn’t harm the fleet. It was only after weeks of testing and intensive interrogating was Sela allowed to leave. The treatment in the cells was partially what made her partial to synthetics versus organics. Synthetics and hardware were easy to understand, no grey spectrum. Organics? They were a harsher thing to deal with. Her gift in synthetic science allowed her to catch the eyes of the engineers as she was invited to join them where she’d provide further innovations and breakthroughs for the quarians. Though she reached a status of reputation, Sela wanted to do more than mere live ship maintenance and improvements. She wanted Geth. Attaching herself to the Migrant Marines, Sela endured the training. What she lacked in weapons and tactics, she made up her tech powers, hacking, and AI control. While being accepted into the Marines, she was kept to the rear due to her researching role and her below proficient use of weapons and military tactics. On a mission to a planet in the Perseus Veil, Sela had the opportunity to fully diagnosis Geth units that her team put down. As she became more enamored with the machines, she saw yet another opportunity. The creation of a smarter VI. Whispers of her ambition leaked to her superiors, which caused an uproar amongst the Migrant fleet. Orders were issued to seize her, but Sela had disappeared before she could be apprehended. The inevitability wasn’t lost on her as she prepared her flight from her people. As much as she hated leaving, she couldn’t stop her development now. Sela wanted to show that her people could control the Geth. She just needed time. Looking to Omega, Sela quickly settled in and disappeared. Committing identity thefts, hackings, bank jobs, and other things to keep herself afloat, it wasn’t long until she received the invitation from the Circle of Absolution. She had heard of it, and she was impartial. However, she saw opportunity — resources — that could further her works. In the end, she took the invitation. [/centre]