[b]Caroline[/b] Caroline winced at Gwen's command. "What? Here?" She asked, then hesited for just a moment. "Fine!" She yelled in exasperation and ran into the closest private space she could find. She came back out a minute later in nothing but her underwear, one arm clutching the other accross her body and looking very aware of the way people looked at her. "Happy now?" She muttered. "When are we going to .." She never finished her sentence as they all teleported to the town. It didn't take long for her to notice what was wrong with this happy picture as she glimpsed a bloodsplatter in a nearby window. The moment she looked again, however, it was gone, and she didn't miss other people reacting to things that weren't there. "We're trapped in an illusion," she said, pondering. "Let me see if I can break it. Spells like this aren't that different from artifacts." She closed here eyes for a moment, focusing, then opened them again. An intense violet light played about her irises, and she set to looking around to try and trace the origin of the spell.