[centre][h1]TICUS RAKAELUM (NPC)[/h1] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/033/3/e/the_general_by_rikona-d38nvnq.jpg[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full Name[/b] Ticus Rakaelum [b]Species[/b] Turian [b]Age[/b] 44 [b]Gender[/b] Male [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] Ticus is intelligent. He knows how cruel the galaxy is. Therefore, he decides to operate in a way that will increase his chances and decrease everyone else. He too is cruel, relentless and unforgiving. He will not consider the "feelings" of a person and the word "morals" means nothing to him. He does not hold his tongue and will speak his mind, unless he is in the presence of someone he deems superior to him, in which situation he is quite a suck-up. [b]Sexuality[/b] Unknown [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] Little above average height. Muscular build. No visible scars. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] Typically, medium to heavy armour branded with the circle's markings. When in his own private quarters, he is clad in fanciful attire only attainable by the wealthy, blacks, reds and purples in luxurious materials. When he is not in the safety of his own home, however, he is always properly protected from any threat Omega has to offer. [b]Equipment[/b] Ticus doesn't have to shoot anyone. He has bodyguards for that. However, being the cautious and survivalist person he is, he carries a pistol with him at all times. [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] Ticus has state of the art combat training as well as the best education Palaven can offer. He is the son of a diplomat and has many years of experience under his belt. [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Unlike many of the people in his line of work, Ticus came from a wealthy background, his father a diplomat on the Turian capital of Palaven. He was given the highest possible education attainable all throughout his youth. In fact, he was a relatively normal, wealthy Turian until his mid-20s, when he had quite a dispute with his father. He had never been a peaceful person, in fact he had always been quite violent, he just had the control to prevent himself from lashing out. However, he did not hold back on this particular day. By the end of the night his father had a bullet hole in the side of his head. Ticus fled from the planet, along with his father's wealth. He eventually found himself in the Terminus Systems, using some of his money to establish a small smuggling circuit. Over the years, it grew, and by his early 30s, he had built somewhat of an empire - and it had developed from smugglers, to mercenaries. Ticus sat back and watched the credits roll in at home, without any particular work to do other than administration work every now and then. He decided, in this time, to train so that he too could protect his life, and if necessary, take others. He hired several personal trainers and purchased himself an armoury of weapons. Within a few years, he was better than any of the men he hired. At the age of 35, he met with the leader of the Circle of Absolution, who had been monitoring his mercenary company for several months. The Circle was larger and more powerful than Ticus' operation, so when he was offered the chance to hand over the control of all of his vessels and men over to the leader of the Circle in exchange for a position as his left hand man and advisor, he accepted willingly. He spent the best part of a decade travelling the Terminus Systems with his new employer before he was sent to Omega, to oversee the Circle's business there. He took charge of all recruitment on Omega, too, as he wished to see first-hand who would be entering the Circle.[/centre]