[h3]ENGINE ROOM - [color=CC66FF]Samira[/color][/h3] [i]God, is it morning already?[/i], Samira thought as she peeled open her raw, groggy eyes. She expected to see the idle title screen of the [i]Romeo + Juliet[/i] DVD she had fallen asleep to last night. Instead, she found herself nowhere she knew. Her clouded senses came alive with panic. She was at once aware that instead of lying on a soft, living room couch, she was instead sprawled upon on a hard, coarse floor. Instead of being wrapped cozily in her comforter, her legs were bare and chilled. Samira remained motionless and terrified. Where [i]was[/i] she? Nothing was familiar. But more than [i]un[/i]familiar. This strange old other-worldly place, it was terrifyingly [i]alien[/i]. Dilapidated, industrial, overgrown... Her imagination began to spiral out of control as every horror movie she had ever seen began to spool out of her mind like a reel of terror. Samira dared to look around her, and her heart nearly stopped when she realized she was not alone. Not far away stood three people. Two men. A woman. They were talking in calm voices with each other. She couldn't grasp what it was they were saying. [i]Are they the ones who kidnapped me?[/i] her mind screamed. Holding her breath, Samira quietly crept backwards, away from the mysterious threesome towards the far end of the room. The three strangers seemed unaware or unconcerned of her movements, but Samira's heart raced with the possibility that any moment they might turn around. After an excruciating minute of crawling slowly backwards, keeping her eyes locked on the strangers, Samira finally had her back against the wall beside an old, picked-over toolbox. Her thin hands darted over the pile of strewn tools and carefully removed a heavy, wrench-like tool, pulling her sweater sleeve over her hand first to keep the oil from causing it to slip from her grasp. Heart pumping, she scanned the walls in either direction, looking for a way out. Having a weapon did not make her feel any safer.