Gale looked up at the barrel that, compared to her, was gigantic. Without a word, she swiftly hopped from Ash's hand to the top of the barrel, flapping her tiny wings to steady herself. "Alright. I'm happy to go there," Gale replied quietly, crossing her legs and sitting flat on her butt, making sure the bandana around her eyes was tightly knotted. "Thank Goddess she did not want to go to Meridian," Gale thought, flattening her ears against her head. What a rude thing to think. This was Ash's choice, and had she picked New Meridian, Gale would have had to live with it. She should stop being so selfish. Gale hopped from the barrel to the nape of Ash's neck and crawled up so that she could sit right on top of her head, perking her bat ears up as a way of preparation for the sound of the night once they left the apartment. "Oh, I forgot..." she murmured, jumping off of her head and landing on the ground with her wings spread to slow the fall. She dashed off to the hallway near the kitchen and hooked a right, throwing open her white bedroom door. She didn't need echolocation to find Brandy Station. She already knew where he was. Her room was empty and, quite honestly, depressing, with walls of white and a plain brown carpet floor. The only furniture within the room was a twin-sized bed, a mahogany desk with a charming portrait of her menacing family members, a tall wardrobe, and on the wall sat the rack that held her sword up for the world to see. Without a second thought, she leaped up and snatched the sword from its hooks, landing right on her feet. "Time to go, Brandy," she whispered to its black sheath, wincing as the case rattled in an excited manner. She could feel its chilling connection bonding with her body and its resources as she slung the weapon over her back before slamming the door shut and dashing back to Ash. She quickly scrambled up the Gigan's leg and found her way back to Ash's unruly blonde hair, sitting with her legs crossed just like earlier. "Lead the way," she murmured quietly, adjusting the tall collar of her black down vest.