[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NrBM9uo.jpg?1[/img][/center] [B][center][h3][u][color=Black]Justice League Origins[/color][/u][/h3][/center][/B] First it was an alliance of the most powerful crime families in the city. Then a well meaning though perhaps misguided vigilante/ninja/bat monster doing his level best to bring justice to a place that just didn't care for it. Then there was that business with [i]The Mad Monk[/i], the less said about that the better. That was quickly followed up by a whole host of new crazies that infected the city quicker than a cheap Saturday night floozie catching the clap. The gyst here is that Gotham has had more than its fair share of troubles lately. The last thing it needed was an invasion. So why main street was currently holding host to a group of trigger-happy, seven foot tall, walking death machines, that could only speak like they were bit part antagonists in a War of the Worlds rip-off, was beyond Jim Gordon. The panicked calls had started coming into the precinct not much earlier, breathless civilians screaming about killer robots marching through the city centre. They’d initially been brushed off as kids trying to waste police time, but after the fifth call they’d realized that this was far more than some elaborate hoax. Gordon had wasted no time in leading a slew of police cruisers to the scene. His first action before engaging had to been to cordon off the scene, to keep curious civilians and reporters with a death wish alike away from the unidentified antagonists. (Vikki Vale had an officer assigned to her especially, Jim just praying that Crispus Allen was up to the task of keeping the tenacious reporter from approaching the metal monstrosities. ) After that he had set himself the onerous task of leading his officers against the bots. Real uphill struggle that. Just how are pistols and shotguns supposed to damage wannabe-terminators. Kyle Reese had to use a pneumatic press to do in for one for chrissakes, and Jim definitely didn’t have one of those lying around. The only thing keeping his officers in this game was that the robots really didn’t seem to be taking much notice of them, only firing off the occasional pot shot in their direction. To Jim’s mind that wasn’t exactly a good thing. Made him feel like a bug that was so beneath notice that it wasn’t even worth the time treading on him. “What the hell are these things!? What do they want?” Screamed Lieutenant O’Hara, so loud that he might have perforated Jim’s eardrums. He knew he should have picked some separate cover from the Lieutenant. [color=royalblue]“I’m not sure Clancy,”[/color] Jim responded [color=royalblue]“I don’t speak automatron.”[/color] O’Hara had the good graces to look contrite. Both men were forced to duck their heads behind cover as energy bolts were fired in their directions. The robots were starting to become more aggressive. “Things are getting crazy here Captain.” said O’Hara. [COLOR=ROYALBLUE]“Uh-huh,”[/color] “Wonder where Gotham's own specialist in crazy is. Ain't he supposed to be dead set on protecting the city.” The Lieutenant mused. No sooner had he finished working did a low, insistent growling sound in the near-distance. It seemed to get closer and closer, sounding like the roaring of the devils own guard dog. Suddenly a thick black smoke blanketed the street, cutting everything off from view, including the robot attackers. There was some calls from the officers nearest Jim, officers he couldn't see, but he could barely hear them over the bizarre roaring that passed right by him. He caught the briefest of glimpses of what might have been a car, or a tank. No prizes for guessing who that belonged too. [color=royalblue]"I think that answers your question Clancy."[/color] Jim said dryly. [center][b]*****[/b][/center] [color=steelblue]"Reports are coming in from across the company. Metropolis and Coast city are also under attack.[/color] [Color=Black]"Gotham is my priority Penny-one. You know that. I'll see what I can do after I've finished here."[/color] [COLOR=sTEELBLUE]"Hrrn. . . Yes sir. I feel it bares mentioning that the juggernaut in blue jeans from Metropolis has already been felled by these machines. Are you sure that [url=http://www.supermansupersite.com/batvsup/20.jpg]monstrosity[/url] you're driving is up to the task?"[/color] Batman had become more adept at suppressing his grins at Alfred's comments while he was on the field. He allowed himself one now though. His old mentor had always been sternly opposed to any [i]American[/i] made cars, saying off them that they were all style with no substance. He could have made that assertions about Batman's latest ride, though they both would have known it's patent untruthfulness. Built by Bruce himself in conjunction with Lucius Fox and a gifted engineer named Harold Allnut, this [i]Batmobile[/i]had been built to keep up with his foes, after the Getaway Genius had shown him that his old bike just wasn't up to the task. Still heavier and slower than he would like, Batman had no doubts that it had the armaments to deal with the machines attacking Gotham now. [COLOR=black]"Superman is untrained and ill-experience Penny-one. It was only a matter of time before he was put down."[/color] Batman was coming up on the combat zone now. With a flick of a switch the car began to deploy a thick smoke, a miasma springing up to befuddle only lookers. [i][color=black]To be seen in the daylight undermines the reputation as a terror of the night I have built. Besides, ruining a photo op like this will no doubt infuriate Vikki Vale, an opportunity I could hardly pass up.[/color][/i] The robots had spotted his approach now, and were leveling their canons towards the car. Evasive action was deployed, Batman drifting to the left, narrowly avoiding the energy attacks. [i][color=black]Energy projections show that the car theoretically[b]could[/b] survive a direct hit. . . but I'm not keen on testing that theory[/color][/i]. He returned fire, hood mounted 50mm canons targeting the lead robot and firing. The shots exploded upon contact, fire and smoke engulfing the bot. The other two began to concentrate their fire upon the car, and overheard several other robots flew into view. [color=Black][i]Its going to take some damn fancy driving to get out of this one.[/i][/color]