[center]CASUAL to ADVANCED posting ZERO one-liners Send PMS as: [ur username] so I don't get clogged with "RP?"s M+M or F+M for Otherwise Any Pairing for Platonic Hiders = Currently Doing/Recently Did If something is in a hider, try and add a twist/choose something else [hr][/center] 1) [hider=Names][b]Names.[/b] As important as they are, it's hard to define yourself just by your name. Introducing two people with the same unique first name and last name, with very different nicknames. Scully "Babyface" Vagabond is in junior high and is bullied because of his effeminate looks. Scully "Wildchild" Vagabond is a high schooler with no friends, for his special mindset that gets him into fights has people straying from him. When these two, by chance, meet at a park, a strange friendship blossoms.[/hider] 2) [hider=Sex and Pure Love][b]Sex and Pure Love.[/b] A soft story about a model and his/her photographer lover. The model is young and is energetic, looking to make their mark in the business. Along the way they fall for a man six years older, a photographer who's famous for his beautiful pictures and strange personality. The two have sex once, twice. A few more while the young model thinks it's love and the older man thinks it's business. Probably. The story can either start from the very beginning, to their meeting, or smack dab in the middle of it. A lot of angst and pressure about age differences and keeping the relationship private hopefully.[/hider] 3) [b]A story involving a young master and a butler.[/b] Only, with a bit of a twist? The young master was a spoiled young man who's mother only wanted the best for. She, a literal child of demons, issued demonic servants to tend to the young master, to care and protect him from anything. Oh, if only she knew. The young master was a tyrant and a bully to the servants, harassing them every which way, not realizing that they were bound by contract not to unleash all hell on the child. They got their chance, however, when the rich family fell apart due to scandals, and the young master was left without a home. In the middle of running away from demons intent on spilling blood, the young master runs into his old butler and fears the worst. As it turns out, however, this butler was totally human, but despite that, expells the chasing demons. Since this is too long, here is the basic gist- the two cut a deal that if the butler help the young master dispel the demons, then the young master would live in his house and be /his/ servant. May involve maid outfits because that's hilarious. 4) [b]Coffees, Pastries, and Crossdressing.[/b] A teacher always visits the same cafe, and is always enamored by the same waitress that tends to him. Assigned to a new school, he finds himself shocked that said waitress is there with him- as a student! Now, if that wasn't enough, this school is an all boy's school! A student's older sister needed him to work part time at an all-girl's maid cafe, so he did. While he was at it, he ended up falling for a regular customer. He's surprised to find the new teacher is the love of his life- now all he's gotta do is try and make the love mutual, even if the teacher seems a bit disinterested by his male form. An rp filled with silly antics, with sprinkles of seriousness here and there. 5) [b]Appearances.[/b] He was tall, muscular- really muscular- with a chiseled jaw and adult features. He was also the biggest crybaby known to man, from crying at cute kittens to cute children and is generally just a big bundle of love. She is small, thin, and barely seen in a crowd. She reigns as queen of the school gang, known for her aggressive personality and tendency to tear out throats at a moment's notice. They find themselves stuck doing time in detention one day, and it being held in the chem room for some reason, sparks literally fly. Comedy and drama and sweetness ensues. 6) [b]Puppies and Cuddles and Transformations.[/b] In a world where shapeshifters walk alongside humans, there is a girl(or boy) who has a liking to animals. Her friend thinks she'll get along swell with a therianthrope and sets them up for a blind date. A mix up occurs in the bit however, and the two end up meeting two different people as their blind dates, and manage to click pretty well with their respective mismatched pairs. However, the human and the therianthrope end up meeting elsewhere, perhaps at a class or a park maybe, and something begins there. 7) [hider=Dreams][b]Dreams.[/b] When the guy sleeps he always meets the same fairy-like woman or mermaid or whatever. On a boring trip to the grocery store one day he meets the person of his dreams- literally- but whoops surprise surprise it's a boy. And whaddaya know, turns out they (live in the same apartment complex area/ go to the same college/ work at the same place). A tale of awkwardness, bromance, and maybe budding romance who knows. We'll probably add the look-a-like's twin sister and the dreamer will be confused with his feelings. Who knows.[/hider] 8) [hider=Daily Life of a Young Magus]In the small town of Parkwidth there is a tall tower where the greatest dark warlock of all time resides. He's been silent for a few years, though, and people are assuming he's brewing something huge and super evil, and heroes from all around are coming to try and behead him before harm befalls the world. But... as it turns out, the warlock is dead. Like a phoenix, he regenerated and is now a small wizard with no recollection of what he did before or what he is destined to do. The first hero to come and kill him sees he is only a child and ends up becoming the child's body guard instead, trying to lead him to the path or goodness. (I call role of the kid because I love playing kids. Also this won't turn into any lovey-dovey thing, mostly just badass fighting other heroes and peaceful living. Will probably start with our characters meeting for the first time and their gradual friendship or maybe smack dab in the middle of it.)[/hider] 9) [hider=Grant My Wish][b]Grant My Wish.[/b] Yu Feng is a magician in training. His first mission? To grant a person's wish. So he goes to the realm of humans and looks for a person whose wish needs granting. There he meets Song Li. Song Li has moved from place to place after her parents died in a car accident, sparing only her and her younger brother. Her child brother was taken in by a family member while she was moved repeatedly from each family member. This is her last stop, her strict grandmother, and a cousin a year older than her taking care of the strict grandmother. They don't seem to like Song a lot, so when she met Yu Feng, her wish was for him to be human, so he would be her friend. Her friendship with the human Yu Feng displeases her granma and complicated cousin, however....[/hider] 10) [b]Woof Woof!![/b] A senior dog boy is harassed commonly in school and outside of school because of his smaller structure than most his age as well for being generally soft spoken and never fights back. One day he's cornered after school by a group of thugs, about to be beat up when a senior cat eared boy steps up and 'saves the day'. The boy's 'savior' is a hoodlum himself, but actually has some pride and honor to believe it's unfair to gang up on someone who can't fight back. The dog boy is extremely grateful for being saved and starts to follow the cat boy around, which annoys him but at the same time sparks his curiosity as most people try to avoid him all together because of his reputation. (theres no reason 4 this 2 b animals i js hav a lot of pics of catboys n dogboys n i need 2 use them,,, , this can b w normal ppl 2 hehehe) [hr] [center]More will follow soon.[/center]