11)[b]Cosmetology and Popular Boys.[/b] She's the new girl in town, and recently got accepted to the prestigious cosmetology school. There she meets a group of beautiful boys- one is a mysterious mean heir, another his touchy-feely friend, and the third a delinquent with a knack for hairstyling! There's something about the rich boy though... Meanwhile, the rude heir's friend has gotten a bit bored with playing with the girls from school and focuses his attention to the new girl. Every time he makes a move, though, the genius delinquent gets in his way-- and then a sudden kiss?! 12) [hider=Adolescent Adventures][b]Adolescent Adventures[/b]. A group of six (or eight) kids and their struggles through family life, love life, and growing pains. [i]One tall girl[/i] is struggling to fit in with the other growing girls, finding herself more comfortable when everyone didn't care about confessing or short skirts and is worried about how much she's growing compared to the others. [i]Another child[/i] is struggling with the remarriage of his mother and her pregnancy. [i]One boy[/i] finds himself falling for his best friend, said [i]best friend[/i] trying to get used to his first relationship. [i]His girlfriend[/i], meanwhile, is trying to find her voice in a world that seems to shout at her. [i]The new kid[/i] struggles with fitting in, a bit taller and older than the others, spare one tall girl his age. (Italicized= characters we play)[/hider] 13) [hider=The Neverending Summer Rain][b]The Neverending Summer Rain[/b] Two strangers meet on a rainy day. One is a typical person- working a nine-to-five job, wearing suits, grocery shopping every Sunday- they're the background character to every other person's life. They run into a person with nothing- no shoes, no bags, nothing but the shirt off their back. Despite the first person's dedication to the norm, they find themselves affixed with the stranger's quirks- from eating plants to singing on the balcony railing, to the charming way they engage with children. More importantly, who is this person, and why did they appear in a normal man's life? (This can get supernatural, unless you prefer it staying realistic)[/hider] 14) [b]A Day in August[/b] "What are you doing?" A small child looks up at the weary face of a young school girl on a roof, a beat of warm August air settling between them. The child, a young and spirited illegitimate son of a famous politician. The girl, a worthless nobody looking for an escape, but too kind to let the kid see the sin she was about to commit. "My dad promised me to go to the park today, but he's busy," he says, as the girl tries to usher him out, "Will you go with me instead?" A story of friendship and healing in the course of a day. 15) [hider=Stereotypes][b]Stereotypes[/b] Everyone experiences a bit of stereotyping- from girls who wear all black to boys who wear sports uniforms. By chance, a quiet girl and a loud boy meet- but behind their masks lie something else? She dates old men for the thrill and the money, while he's struggling to accept his inclination towards men. A strange friendship blossoms, and their masks slowly shed. [/hider] 16) [b]Ageless[/b] A story about platonic love encompassing time. Once upon a time, a high school boy came upon a lone, elderly tree. The tree held the spirit of an old soldier that died protecting the love of his life, a young prince. They shared days of magical storytelling, the tree reliving it's past, and when it caught up to it's current place, the tree died. The high school boy is now a man, and upon visiting the park finds a young boy in place of the tree, planting a seed. Is this boy the tree's soul reincarnated? The cycle of incarnation and reincarnation continues with one and the other trying to reunite, all the while unveiling their deeper history. 17) [b]White Shoes, Black Shoes[/b] A lone girl starts heading out of Fine Academy School of Fashion and Design, holding only a single large bag with her. As she walks past the gate, a van full of familiar pulls up in front of her, with hand written "B+W" painted over the side. "Get in!" they call out, as two people opened up the back. A free spirited story about fashion students living life and falling in love, with the threat of the final fashion show looming behind them. 18) [b]Puzzle Piece[/b] TBA 19) [hider=Oh, Mr. Valentine][b]Oh, Mr. Valentine[/b] A [i]Boisterous Young Lady[/i] and a [i]Demure Girl[/i] are best friends who hide nothing from each other, not even BYL's undying love for DG, confessing how much she adores her almost every day. BYL, however, has other girls and guys alike telling her how much they love her, only for BYL to reject them. The same way BYL confesses everyday, her fans do the same to her, one such example being a [i]Dedicated Fan[/i]. One day, DL finds herself lucky-- BYL accepts her confession, and they start dating! It turns out, BYL only accepted DL's confession because DG started dating [i]A Familiar Classmate[/i]. But DL won't back down-- she'll use this to make BYL really fall in love with her! A story revolving around the love life between BYL and DL, and DG and AFC, as well as the straining friendship between BYL and DG.[/hider] 20) [b]Mismatched Shoes[/b] Introducing the fourth prince of a busy kingdom, son of the third wife, and despite being the fourth, since the fifth and sixth sons are from the first wife, he stands farthest from the throne. But it doesn't matter, because he doesn't care. Blank eyes, pale skin, fluttering lashes-- never before has the world seen such a beautiful boy that screams of danger. People who meet him have both extreme urges to embrace him... and kill him. Enter the maid. Strange, he thinks, she staying longer than other maids. They barely talk, and no matter what sickening scenes she walks into, she obediently continues with her work. He realizes that she is broken beyond repair, and the two start a friendship based on belonging nowhere else but with each other. A story between a prince and a doll. 21) [b]Bestfriend Complex. [/b]Girl 1 and Boy 1 grew up together; Middle school to High-school. They were inseparable and there was so much never-said love between them. During senior year, the two of them grew distant until eventually, when school was over they didn't see each other at all anymore. Boy 1 has decided to move to a different city for college. He easily makes friends and loves the new college he's attending but he can't shake Girl 1 from his mind. One day his friend approaches him with a panicked expression, saying he broke the game console he let him borrow. Boy 1 doesn't think it's a big deal but his friend insists that he can make up for it. Whatever. Fine. His friend tells Boy 1 that he'll come over that night and pay him for his broken game. When he shows up, Boy 1 and his friend go into his room to talk. "I'll let you borrow Girl 1 for tonight in exchange for your broken game. She's really great. She'll do anything you want, hah. I taught her myself." All Boy 1 could think was... what the hell? Borrow a girl? Before he could tell him that he wasn't interested in that type of thing, Girl 1 walked inside of his room with a dull expression. Upon seeing each other, their eyes collide and they're both shocked. ~ What a horrible reunion! Boy 1 is excited and disgusted all at once, how could his sweet flower be a... prostitute now? A story about reuniting and rekindling a friendship. (genders can b swapped)