"Trains of...? H-Hey, don't read my mind!" she told her, clutching her head as though it would somehow shield her thoughts from this strange demoness. Under any other circumstances, she would have thought she was going crazy. Heck, who's to say she [i]wasn't[/i] crazy? Even so, with what she'd seen so far, she had no reason to believe this woman couldn't read her thoughts. She sighed; all she'd wanted to do today was finish her homework and then read more of her novel, not play hostess and potentially next meal to some crazy demoness who'd just randomly decided to show up in [i]her[/i] dorm, of all places. "Ah, no! Don't shake it!" she cried, holding her hands up to stop her as Nefas started to shake the can. Despite herself, she couldn't help but grin a little bit: a demoness from Hell, and she didn't know how to open a can of soda. It was just... really silly, somehow. "Here," she said, still grinning, "watch what I do." She turned her own can so that Nefas could see the top. "Hold it like this, put your finger here, and then just pull." Sure enough, with a "tssssSSSK!", the can popped open, and Sarah took a quick sip of the fizzy drink. "Try it."