[h2]Saber - Restaurant District, Yggdrasil[/h2] Saber contemplated the suggestions that Nono had made for a moment, mulling them over. A new type of technology seemed the most likely. The King of Knights was not exactly the most versed in technology, but she had a decent enough understanding and guessed that it was still being developed rather frequently. However, unauthorized transit should have made it harder for the woman with the katana to escape… The second option was possible, but it was not something the blonde girl liked to consider. “… If there is a traitor,” she began, her expression hardening, becoming far more cold, “They deserve nothing less than the harshest punishment that can be granted. To do such a thing would be one of the deepest possible acts of dishonor.” Saber paused for a moment and continued with her meal. The warm, delicious food helped to distract her from that thought… certainly, she did not like to contemplate such a possibility. However, her contemplation was torn away from her entirely when the restaurant’s chef approached. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1335/ccaec90650308936b1529713a629f4fbd81f7772.jpg?1388383]The girl was tiny[/url], looking as if she shouldn’t even be out of elementary school. And yet she had the characteristic chef’s hat and the full outfit. When she spoke, her voice was cheerful and light. “Ah, I was told there were agents!” she said, happily. She swept off her hat and bowed low. “Thank you for attending my restaurant!” Meanwhile, it was possible that the sight of an ‘All-you-can-eat’ restaurant would catch the eye of a certain dethroned royal and her knights. [h2]Kirisame Marisa, Client World 12262009-A(Macross)[/h2] Marisa paused at the end of her meal, blinking. It had managed to vanish in seconds, given the pace she had set. Oh, yeah, it was probably good to do a check when it came to this kind of thing… Swiftly, she lifted her hat up and reached beneath it, pulling out the earpiece. She mimicked Kakine’s motions, adjusting it and fixing it on carefully. She flicked the switch, then grinned and gave the boy a cheerful thumbs up. “EARPIECE O-oh hey wait where’s she going?” The cost of the meal was slammed on the table, before Marisa hopped to her feet. Misaka was just kinda walking off all of the sudden… maybe following her would lead to some place where she could steal everything. That’d be pretty awesome if it was the case! [h2]The Leader, Shadow Eternity Headquarters[/h2] The Leader glanced up at the capsule. Gently, she ran her hand along the capsule, and the outside of it shimmered. Within, suspended in what seemed to be some sort of faintly blue-tinted fluid, was the slender form of a deeply pale girl. [url=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/7/79498/2274901-dead_scythe_and_dead_master.png]Dead Master[/url] was nude, though her modesty was preserved by a pair of circular life-signs monitoring devices connected to the sides of the capsule with a series of tubes. Her hands, either covered in some form of armor or simply black claws, gently twitched. Her green eyes were shut tight, it was clear she was not conscious. “… My intent for her is simple,” The Leader began. Her mask made her face unreadable, but it was clear her gaze was fixed on the girl. “She is to be my witness. I wish for her to see the fruition of my plan and the destruction of the UMMA.”