Ash waits patiently as Gale retrieves Brandy Station, slumped over by the front door, and once Gale is situated on Ash's head, the Gigan clumsily opens the door to their house, and manages to squeeze through. Once Ash is out in the open, she stands at her full height with a relieved sigh, looking down at the crowd; who begins to part to let Ash through. She walks with a surprisingly brisk pace, taking into account all the obstacles of Little Innsmouth, properly gaging all her ducks, and side steps to compensate for the bat feral on her head. "It's busy out today, how did you manage to find your way home?" Ash questions as she approaches the door to a local diner, the wonderful smell of cooked food flooding her senses. "Something smells yummy," she comments, lifting Gale off of her head, and guiding her to the door. With her index finger, and her thumb, Ash grips the handle to the glass portal. She opens it slowly, letting the tacky silver bell ring, and giving Gale a light push inside, following after her with a light grunt, forcing herself through the human sized frame of the door. Ash's knee slides across the dirtied tile floor, followed by its opposite, and once Ash manages to slide her gun past the door, she stands up; hanging her head low. "Dagonian cuisine . . ." Ash mumbles with a content smile, clasping her hands together "You have money, right Gale?"