"Um..." Gale reached down and shoved her hand into her white motorcycle boots, shuffling around for her wallet. "These boots have carried tons of stuff over the years," she thought silently, whipping out the wallet with one quick movement. "I have money," she said, pulling a few dollar bills out of the wallet's main pocket. She counted at least twenty dollars out for herself and then proceed to distribute twenty more to Ash. While working for the mafia was a tiring job with constant death threats and way too much blood, it definitely paid good money. "I guess it's not that bad," Gale thought, blowing a strand of her purple hair out of her face. Gale quickly scurried up to Ash and whispered into her ear, "H-Hey, I'm going to find us a table. Please take my order for me..?" After deciding what she was going to do, she shoved her split of the money into Ash's hand. "Here, just...order for me," she squeaked before scuttling off towards a booth in the back of the restaurant, curling up in the seat. She could never order for herself. Though most did not mess or even come near Gale, she absolutely did not appreciate the piercing looks she would receive. Between her family history and the crime she committed, things would never be normal for her. - Morgann, with a heavy sigh, turned her head from the window before stopping immediately. "Hold the phone," she murmured, immediately turning her attention back to the sky. "Is that...a person?" she questioned, staring at what appeared to be an average height silhouette on top of a building. "There's some sort of light, but it's so faint..."