[B]Normalish[/B] [I][Student][/I] [B]Appearance[/B]: [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/158/3/9/heiwajima_kasuka___by_kasukasu_chi6-d7lehv2.jpg[/img] [B]Name[/B]: Kihara, Eita [B]Nickname/Alias[/B]: Eitan~ [B]Magic Name[/B]: NONE [B]Position[/B]: NONE [B]Faction[/B]: N/A [B]Seat Number[/B]: 13 [B]Nationality[/B]: Japan [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Blood Type[/B]: O [B]Biography[/B]: Unknown [B]Personality[/B]: With a crude sense of humor, Eita is viewed as creepy for his age along with his habit of taking pictures which comes of as rude as well as to weird fetishes. Eita's determined to do anything he could to achieve his objectives. He is smarter than most adults because of his genes, therefore his sense of humor might not be the same as others. He is referred to as Kihara only and sees fun as a mix of board games. [B]Likes[/B]: -SCIENCE -Photography -Rock Music -Classical Music [B]Dislikes[/B]: -Practically everything [B]Skills[/B]: -Analysis Strategy -Deciphering -Martial Arts -Intelligence [B]Ability[/B]: NONE [B]Magic[/B]: NONE [B]Theme Song(s)[/B]: [B]Extras[/B]: Eita has mechanical gloves that allows him to perform sensitive work on a scale of 1μm (one-millionth of a meter). The gloves were reinforced with small motors and electrically contracting artificial muscles as so that he could perform super delicate work. This device is used to counter Espers by bypassing their AIM Fields.