Gale stared down at her burger and tilted her head, flicking her ears. "I can just eat the bun," she thought silently, tearing open the burger's wrapper and snatching the buns away from the meat. Pressing the two slices together, she opened her mouth wide to reveal insanely sharp bat fangs before devouring the bread whole, swallowing. She pushed the meat over to Ash before shuffling in her boots for some extra money. "I'm going to try and order for myself," she explained to Ash, "Meat makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'll be back in a few." With that last comment, she scurried off to go order. The waitress, who Gale could sense was simply staring at her with curiosity, put a menu in front of her, but she pushed it back with her index finger. "O-Oh, sorry, I...I know what I want, rice?" she requested, putting her hands behind her back. "What? Speak up, little one, you're awfully quiet," the woman said. The comment about her size irritated Gale, but she swallowed her pride and firmly repeated. "I. Would like. Rice." Oblivious to her irritation, the waitress turned to retrieve a small bowl of rice before sliding it over to Gale. "Thank you," she whispered, and without even turning to acknowledge the girl with bandaged hands, she scampered back to the table and began to dig into the rice with the hunger of a savage wolf.