[b]Name:[/b] Lucas Lyle [b]Character Type:[/b] Protagonist [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Lucas comes in at a height just short of six feet. His body is built for endurance, with a stocky chest and what many people consider stronger arms and legs. Although he has these features, he never excels at a particular field of athletics, but rather does fairly well in almost all. His skin tone reflects his sporadic outdoorsmanship, being a light tan. His copper locks fall just short of his hazel eyes in a slightly messy fashion. His nose, mouth, and ears have nothing special about them, which he doesn't mind. [b]Clothing Style:[/b] Lucas doesn't care much for fashion or appearance. He prefers to wear whatever feels comfortable and useful. He often wears a plain light red t-shirt, with a thin dark blue hoodie draped over, accompanied by worn-down blue jeans. The presence of pockets is necessary for his hoodie and jeans. He carries around a black backpack, often full of supplies, but is starting to run low. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucas is a social klutz, often jumbling up his words whenever he tries to convey his thoughts. In order to cover this up, he doesn't try to enter conversations and often listens and watches body language instead. His intellect is fairly high, but people can't tell that right off the bat due to his lack of communication. He prefers to sit on the side until he knows what he will do despite his skill in improvising. He loves to play games with others, as communicating vocally and physically seems so much simpler in games. [b]Likes*:[/b] Swimming/Rain/Water in general Daydreaming [b]Dislikes*:[/b] Being forced to do something Bullies Panicking [b]Hobbies/Talents*:[/b] Can read body language well [b]Past/History:[/b] Lucas lived a sheltered life in Rustboro City when he was young. His parents were heavily introverted, and he suffered socially due to it, often getting bullied. Getting bored was all to easy for him, so he became skilled at daydreaming whenever he wasn't studying or running around. Eventually, he became tired of his shut-in life, and decided to sneak out one night. The forest seemed like an eerie place, yet full of possible adventures. The pokemon in the forest were friendly towards him and each other, and Lucas couldn't help but feel envious of their free lifestyle. The first night he went there, he had such a good time, and because of it, started sneaking out at night whenever he could to go there. One night, after a long thunderstorm, he found a variety of water pokemon in the temporary lakes formed by the rain. He played with the new arrivals that night, and the following nights. The lakes started to dry up soon enough, and various water types began to leave. However, one stayed behind. Lucas felt sympathy towards the left out Mudkip, and offered his home for the night. The Mudkip followed him home, and they quickly bonded. Lucas kept the Mudkip's presence secret from his parents, as he knew they wouldn't approve. Now when he snuck out at night, the Mudkip would join him on his adventures. They trained and played with each other over the years, until one night his parents caught onto what he was doing. They demanded that he leave the Mudkip. He refused and ran into the forest, his parents chasing closely behind. However, they weren't as physically fit as Lucas was, and that ended in disaster on the bridge. His mother slipped and collided with his father on a bend, and they both fell into the lake. Lucas didn't realize they had fallen off until hours later when he returned, and found a gruesome site. He didn't have anything left for him, so he took his school backpack, filled it with supplies from his home, and fled from Rustboro. [b]Pokemon:[/b] Mudkip/Skip/Male/Mud-Slap, Water Gun, Rock Throw, Tackle/Lonely/Torrent/None [b]Family*:[/b] None