Yumi seemed just slightly distressed by the others, and seemed entirely relieved to change topics and gears. Clearing her throat, "W-well, of course we always try to do some sort of education debate, self-study, or practice for this club...but just yesterday, while checking my school email, learned about--" "Ah...!" Letting out a slight exclamation, Mariko almost sat up, and looked from Yuuto to Yumi...snapping her fingers lightly as if to try and recall what she couldn't remember, "Its the, event...about...?" Both Aois looked to each other, and Kyoko looked quickly to Julie on the other seat, who gave a shrug. But Yumi finally just continued, "It's a writing contest, I thought it'd be good for all of us to participate in. I know some of you have your own individual writing talents, but it might be a good idea to exercise creativity and submit a piece of writing that's outside of your prefered genre...?"