Jane responds to the outgoing girl's smile with one of her own. It was quite nice of her to allow some stranger to eat with them, Jane probably would have straight up turned her away. The gigan then asked of her name, and she replied with a simple [color=f26522]"Jane."[/color] without offering her hand, so she could hide Franky. The feral stuttered and made room for Jane to sit, now pressing herself against the other girl, probably out of social anxiety. Yup, definitely making out on the side or something. Anyways, these gals were pretty cool, nothing like the assholes at school. These two would probably be the only two she wouldn't beat the crap out of. Heck she'd probably protect the feral girl, though judging by the size and sharpness of her fangs, she might not need it. The gigan definitely didn't need it though, massive, strong, and proficient in rifles? Hell yeah. Jane seated herself next to the feral girl and set down her meal, slurping down some deliciously salty noodles. [color=f26522]"Mmph."[/color] She moaned. [color=f26522]"Oh god this stuff is so good."[/color] She said in between mouthfuls of noodle. She washed it down with some bitter tea. [color=f26522]"I see why you ate all your food in, like, a second."[/color] She laughed, playfully elbowing her new friend as gentle as she could, which was a little less then gentle considering her hobbies. [color=f26522]"Anyways, seriously, thanks for letting me join you. Is it cool if I ask how you two met?"[/color] She asked, before sipping some tea and shifting a little in her seat out of discomfort. She hated being seated for to long, made her butt itch like hell. She wondered how Franky felt cooped up like that all day? She'd probably take her gloves off on the way home, she wouldn't get caught, it'd be cool.