Ark breathed a bit heavily as he recovered from Dagny's punch. He didn't want to move for a good while. His thoughts of resting were halted by the walls slowly shrinking down, the box becoming smaller by the minute, and then... POOF, Ark was back in his seat. What an odd experience. Nevertheless, Ark sat back in his rather comfortable seatings. Even if it was nothing fancy, it was still better than a bare floor. His comfort was quickly evaporated by the sight of something quite horrendous; Two students, sitting much farther ahead, probably first years, without clothing. What made it worse was that they were fleshy meatbags, ugly human bags of filth. Ark avertted his gaze, realizing that a good number of students had done the same. Maxwell, having just finished his little chat with Jojo, noticed that the white room had begun to shrink. Maxwell backed into the center as the wall shrunk closer. As soon as he thought the room was getting too small for two people, Maxwell was back in his seat. Letting out a quick chuckle, he started looking around. What was the point of that room thing? get everyone acquainted with eachother? start fights? get someone killed? All of this fell from maxwell's mind when he saw a stark naked pair of students sitting a fair ways in front of him. One of these naked students had features that looked familiar to Max. As soon as Maxwell figured it out, he burst out laughing. "What the hell? Varren? Why the hell is Varren Naked?" Maxwell didn't really care about how loud he was being, he just wanted to point out this absurdity to the rest of the class. Ier-Briar looked in awe at that which sat in front of him. He promptly planted his hand on his face. "Someone.. get those 2 bafoons some clothes, and put that succubus on a watch list. Scratch that, multiple watch lists." Removing his hand from his face, Ier-Briar began to speak about the Dorm arrangements "Alright, so you just met the person you will be spending at least tonight with. SURPRISE! You now have your temporary dorm mates, or maybe not-so-temporary, if you like your forced partner, anyway. As you all should know, each year has a seperate dorm building, each of varying quality, becuase nobody likes first years. Your white box number is also your dorm number, so spend the rest of today getting aquainted with your new home, and then come back down for dinner, becuase a full idiot is better than a starving idiot." Ier-Briar cringed at that last line of dialogue "Whoever wrote that is going to get fired. I swear!" Ier-Briar walked off stage, leaving the students to do their day 0 bullshit.