Character Sheet go! [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] [B]| NAME(S): |[/B] [INDENT]Ruth Elizabeth Staton[/INDENT] [B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B] [INDENT]Elizabeth, Liz, Lizzy, Heather, Rachel... She's used a lot of names.[/INDENT] [B]| D.O.B.: |[/B] [INDENT]4/16/1894[/INDENT] [B]| AGE: |[/B] [INDENT]118[/INDENT] [B]| SEX: |[/B] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B] [INDENT]Straight[/INDENT] [B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B] [INDENT]Ruth's appearance has not changed since turning 22 back in 1916. She stands 5' 6" and weighs in around 135 pounds. A natural brunette she has only recently experimented with adding blond highlights to her hair. Her eyes are also a brown color, a trait from her father. Having been born in another time in American history she still leans to more modest clothing such as long skirts and dresses that she grew up with. But occasionally she would don the more modern clothing of today or more formal business attire for public events. Of course she doesn't wear quite as much makeup as in the posters. Can't live in the past forever without making some changes else one looks very out of place.[/INDENT] [B]| H-CLASS: |[/B] [INDENT]Juno[/INDENT] [B]| ABILITIES: |[/B] [INDENT]Regeneration Aura: Can project a powerful and constant regenerating aura in the surrounding area. The aura can be extended further out to others within a few yards with less potent effects. The range and effectiveness ties itself to her emotions. Being sympathetic toward someone will mean that they will heal quicker, animosity perhaps not at all. This ability has been better refined over the years.[/INDENT] [B]| LIMITATIONS: |[/B] [INDENT]Normally the aura is focused very near to the users body. It cannot repair from something that would kill the user in less in a few minutes. A bullet to the brain, sufficient physical trauma, or a powerful enough toxin would render the regeneration irrelevant. It also does not eliminate pain. For others the aura is a much slower process. Cuts are no big deal but at best a deep gash or bullet wound may take a few days to fully heal.[/INDENT] [B]| WEAKNESSES: |[/B] [INDENT]Because she continuously heals yet still feels pain suffering could be prolonged if someone was so inclined. If she is emotionally distraught or under extreme stress the aura will fade away. And while she is immune to most illnesses, she is merely resistant to the new one afflicting hyperhumans.[/INDENT] [B]| APPLICATIONS: |[/B] [INDENT]Maintains her physical age. Most wounds inflicted on her can be healed in a matter of minutes. Capable of surviving some normally fatal wounds (self only). Viral and bacterial immunity (with one known exception) Can weather most toxins. Heal others around her. [s]Cause cells to grow out of control (cancer)[/s]. [s]Accelerate bacterial culture growth (infection).[/s][/INDENT] [B]| SKILLS: |[/B] [INDENT]Registered Nurse: Military trained nurse from two World Wars and various other institutions through her travels. While culmitavly she probably qualifies for a couple masters degrees in the medical field she has never formally pursued them. Multilingual: Beyond her native tongue of English, her time spent in many European countries has allowed her to learn French, German, Russian, Polish, and Italian. Dabs of other languages of countries that participated in the wars she can muddle through. Hunter: She can handle various types of handguns and rifles. Primarily for sport, she despises their use against people after seeing the atrocities they can produce.[/INDENT] [B]| EQUIPMENT: |[/B] [INDENT]A purse which contains mostly common items, and usually has a bodyguard or two hovering around her.[/INDENT] [B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B] [INDENT]The poster you see is not where Ruth's story begins. For that you need to go back some 50 years earlier. Ruth Elizabeth Staton was born into this world the daughter of Frederick and Eliza Staton. A simple family that like many owned and tended a farm in Tennessee. The early years were tough as the country was in a recession. Learning to cook, clean, and do farm chores, all the normal things for the time there was nothing out of the ordinary to Ruth's childhood. Growing to be a teenager and later into adulthood things were actually starting to look up. Striking it out on her own for a while she did odd jobs, until world went to war. The Great War, WWI began in 1914 and when she was just 19 Ruth's father was drafted. There were many tears and anxiety as her father left for what could very well be the last time they would ever see each other. While there were many way to help in the war effort the one that stood out to the young woman was the nurses going to the front lines to tend to the wounded. There were rules though, to qualify one needed to be 23 and have 3 years experience. Her mind made up Ruth went to training. Passing with flying colors she wasn't sent overseas until the last year of the conflict. War had made a turn for the worse with mechanization and chemical warfare. During her tenure patients that were under Ruth's care did markedly better. Still the atrocities of war were hard to bare. Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief when the war finally came to a close. Coming back to the States didn't change the war nurses occupation. She had a gift, a true gift that Ruth was blissfully unaware of. All her friends and family told her that she looked the same as the day she left. Thinking it as just flattery she paid no attention to the comment. Having moved out on her own to the city gave her time to reflect a bit. Now 26 and even she could see that something unusual was going on. She looked the same as when she enlisted. Being a physician and having seen the crude and often painful medical practices returning soldiers underwent Ruth wanted nothing to do with that. In was then one night that she disappeared without a word to anyone. From then on life was a lie. She was always between 20 and 24 years old, had a different name everywhere she went, and took any job she could find. Having to move every four to five years was tough. But not as tough as when the Great Recession hit. Much worse than the last probably the one thing that kept her alive was whatever mysterious condition that stayed her age. But the drums of war began to beat again and this time things would be different. America not immediately entering the fray gave Ruth the opportunity to prepare. Falsifying her own information Ruth once again registered as a nurse, passing herself off as her own daughter. Pouring her heart and soul toward the soldiers her performance was exemplary. Miraculous turnarounds occurred wherever she was stationed. Such success did not go unnoticed and she became a poster girl for war propaganda. By the end of the war she was very recognizable back home. Seeing the impending disaster that could cause for her life she stayed in Europe where she had better anonymity. Bouncing around between countries it became increasingly hand to stay hidden. Traveling the world became a necessity for a while. Through her travels she realized why her patients had done so well as she would treat people in towns or even small villages were they there. Eventually murmurs of unusual goings on involving special individuals reached Ruth's ear. Once again the world was about to shift as "hyperhumans" began to surface more and more. Thinking her expertees could be of use she came forward with the newly formed H.E.L.P. Department. Without even telling them much it was found that this woman matched in many photographic data going back the last hundred years. Who started it or how it began was lost in the flurry, but before she knew it Ruth was again in the spotlight. "The first hyperhuman!" "Saved the lives of hundreds during both World Wars!" "Immortal hero!" The stories just went out of control. In a matter of months she'd become a face that represented everything good about hyperhumans, and she didn't want any of it. One thing was for sure, there was no running away from her past now.[/INDENT] [B]| SAMPLE POST: |[/B] [INDENT]On Air, that's what the red sign said above the door of the green room. Slung around like a talking puppet Ruth was getting ready to be interviewed. So many requests to be interviewed and she had denied all of them until it was mentioned that it wouldn't end if she tried to avoid it. The cat was out of the bag and the public was clamoring for answers. This was a bad idea. It only meant starting a tug-o-war against all the other talk shows. Notes, she had written notes. She never wrote notes for when she was going to speak, she could remember everything fine. Millions of people were going to be glued to their televisions as the "Ageless Woman" was finally going to tell her story. Or at least part of it. There wasn't enough time to answer the mountain of questions that undoubtedly awaited her. Opening a set hand ushered her onto the stage. People were running around making sure everything was just right and and even came up and powdered her face to reduce the glare from the lights. Glancing around time and technology had passed her by. Back when she actually was 22 there was no way she could ever have imagined being able to do the things that were possible today. In seconds things recorded here could be sent around the world like it was nothing. Her reflection was cut short as they appeared to be ready. Counting down Ruth took a deep breath and composed herself and the recording light went on.[/INDENT] [B]| NOTES: |[/B] [INDENT]McAlister's Sweet Tea[/INDENT]