Niti Laevis “I guess we hop right in,” Niti answered Yuka as he watched Hana take charge and barged right into the guild as if she was right at home. He quickly followed after the pink-haired woman, taking on her exuberant and friendly persona and stormed through the doors after her. "Hiya--! Oh crud…!” Niti nearly ran right into Hana when she had paused right behind the door. One look at the Samurai’s face and he instantly knew something was wrong. Her bright lovely smile had slipped off which was the first sign of trouble. He may be dense, but he wasn’t that dense. Hana is the queen of reading atmospheres, and no one questioned her ability in that. Feeling the tension weighting on his shoulders by now, he did a double take and slowly peered over her shoulders. The whole room seemed as if a wild party had broken out – and judging by the Vyper’s reputation – he had no doubt that had occurred since. However… He smelled it. The smell of blood was prominent. His eyes strayed to the blood that was on the ground, and he grimaced and stepped to the side. That was soooo not good. This amount of blood was enough for him to tell that any normal victim would be unconscious due to blood lost. “Are you guys okay!? Who's injured?” Niti quickly asked, stepping out of Hana’s shadow as he eyed the occupants of the room for any visible signs of injury with a sharp stare.