[hider=krem application!] [centre][h1]Kramar (Clanless)[/h1] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/078/3/c/sorum_again_by_alex_gone_loco-d4tc8qu.png[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full name[/b] Kramar (no clan second name) Nickname: Krem [b]Species[/b] Krogan [b]Age[/b] 65 [b]Gender[/b] Male [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] Different from many other Krogan, due to him being raised in a city environment and having never set a foot on tuchanka, Krem is mostly considerate, calm and peaceful among his allies, although on the job, Krem doesnt hold back his inner krogan, and can become eccessively violent and bloodthirsty if needbe, giving him the ability to play a very believable antagonistic role when it comes to information gathering. Among strangers he keeps his cool and gives off a dark vibe to keep himself from being looked down upon. With comrades however he can become incredibly loud and merry, always looking to kick a party up 5 notches, he truely cares about those he works with, and even will lay his life on the line to protect them. When drunk, Krem can become incredibly flirty and open, which can be oddly entertaining to watch. Sexuality Homosexual [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] Krem is taller than the average Krogan at an impressive 7 foot 7 inches in height and with this, weighs a impressive 185 kilos/29 stone thanks to his height, thick krogan frame and his mechanical arm with both his height and bulk making him look more intimidating. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] If not suited up for battle, Krem dresses in a specially tailored outfit to suit his krogan frame. Baig into earth fashion, the krogan wears a large black leather jacket over himself, with a larger hood which can pull over and cover his hump, with a red shirt underneath with black armored leggings and heavy boots. When out of a safe area, such as omega, the Krogan wears a full suit of black and dark purple trimmed, heavy plated and shield enhanced krogan armor, without helmet, and a visor over his left eye for collecting opponent data. [b]Equipment[/b] *Custom built shotgun called Seth, which supports a mechanical nudge that allows krem to control the spread of his shotgun for single or multi purpose. * standard sniper rifle, which he can use to pick off his opponents from far. *An enhanced and much more durable mass effect shield than normal. [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] Over his relatively short lifespan so far, Krem has acquired many skills from growing up upon the citadel. Gaining training in both shotguns and sniper rifles from his years as a bodyguard, mercenary work and for being under c-sec, his knowledge of tactics are self explanitory, however despite his relatively calm nature, it isnt too difficult to anger the krogan, though doing so is less than advised. Being a krogan with biotic potential, making him one of the rare krogans to accomplish this, its no wonder that his talents in the field of biotics are incredibly powerful if slightly unstable. Supporting abilities such as shockwave, warp, biotic hammer and Biotic charge, Krem becomes a demon on the battlefield, and can become reckless with these biotic abilities, laying waste to his opponents in the process. [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] supposidly his birth parents were Krogan scum, slavers who bit off more than they could chew, and were wiped out by c-sec personelle working in the citadel. C-sec took him as a child and were contemplating on what to do with him when a couple at no cost, whisked it from c-secs hands, two turians. The turians raised him like their own child but were met with many challenges, understandable krogans were violent even from birth and so proved to be a hassel for his adopted parents but despite the bruises and krogan anger, loved him very much, making him feel both apologetic for causing problems as a young child and happy that they persevered through the brute phases he possessed. By the time of his teens, Going through the teenage phase, he become increasingly more violent, and on occassion would punch his father in anger before trashing the place, his anger, needing to be sated, revealed his biotic potential as he used his powers to knock out dozens of normal c-sec officers and handfulls of mercenaries at the citadel docks, which lasted almost a full day before he was eventually knocked unconscious and imprisoned, charged with assault and property damage. To pay off his damages and his injuries, he was forced under "strick watch and employment" by c-sec, and trained to weild weapons such as shotguns and sniper rifles which he could use to let off steam on non organic, non living targets, while being heavily onitored on his biotic ability, he as forcibly enlisted to work, under c-sec albeit illegally to provide extra muscle, in exchange, allowing him to pass his anger onto criminals rather than innocent people. The full extent of his damages were paid off after 10 years, at 26 years old and after being let go from c-sec, and from money spent left over, he spent the next 30 years of his life looking after his adopted parents while becoming both a bodyguard for various stores along the citadel, and even a mercenary. While under a job as a merc, from a batarian nicknamed "crane", he was ordered to collect c-sec documents from their mainframe alongside a tech based accomplice. While he was able to come across the information his client desired, by diving deeper down, to during the time of his birth, he was able to find information about his original parents, and finding out there and then about their slaver roots and more importantly, who their main buyer was... Crane. Disgusted at the knowledge the krogan left, and instead turned on his accomplice, and after a gruelling battle was able to knock him out but not before the accomplice used his tech based abilities to drive a long blade down through the krogans arm, completely severing it from his body. C-sec quickly arrived to the agonising screams of the krogan and was hospitalised, able to survive thanks to a heavy supply of blood, he was questioned day and night while awake by c-sec, as the krogan explaned his side of the story and who crane actually was, the c-sec proceeded to catch crane, but however were unsuccessful. OVer the coming year, themkrogan was fitted with a heavy, new mechanical arm, curtosy of c-sec for being able to atleast catch one of cranes goons and give them newfound knowledge on some unknown slave operations that have been proceeding along the citadel, stopping cranes operations for the time being. For the time between then and now, Krem continued to improve his biotic abilities and his strength, and focused training his new augmented arm while working as a freelancer and continuing to do work as a bodyguard to earn his own living, he has had a few relationships and during his time became fascinated with human culture and clothing. However shortly before the events of the story, after acquiring new information from c-sec accomplices due to his service at c-sec, he learned about a band slavers currently on omega, rumored to be selling children picked off the streets, krem, angered, and hoping this would lead him to crane, went ahead to bring them down, dead or alive, but preferably dead. [/centre] [/hider] (( sorry for poor grammar/spelling/sentence structure, on a crappy ipad atm ))