Having stepped through the door of the shop, Chimmerade had been forced to wait a moment in order to be able to see properly. While he was able to see in darkness perfectly fine, the adjustment from the painfully bright to a more comfortable dark still took a few seconds. Long enough for him to be ambushed by an overly friendly... plant person. A strange sight perhaps, but the land of the living would be a rather boring place without its various oddity's. The leafy hand hand was taken by a gloved one, the shake surprisingly firm as the hooded Chimmerade tried to measure up this so called 'Aaron'... but exhaustion and the possibly offer of a place to get some rest resulted in a less then optimal examination. "My name is Chimmerade and you honestly have no idea how right you are. The last few days have been rather hard for me and I would do just about anything for a few hours rest without having to worry about not waking up again." His voice didn't quite seem to match up with the image that his outfit suggested; It was a somewhat more informal then his stoic appearance would suggest, but the exhaustion that plagued his body had clearly seeped into his voice as well. Since he had come in here, Chimmerade took a moment to look around the store while he waited for the plant man's response.