Smelling some nice aroma, his nose began to twitch as he began to form a smile. His hand grabbed out to the table, searching for the source. After several attempts and fumbles, he finally found the plate. On it, he felt something stringy. Ris opened his eyes to see the bacon before he put it to his mouth. The taste overwhelmed his senses, sending him to the back of his seat where he began to promptly melt. This was the first thing he had eaten in days. He scratched his head with his free hand as he ate the food, trying to think how long it had been. He had been reading that book for the past day, then that other one... He finally reached the solution to his question. It had been 4 days since he had eaten. Ris glowed as he found out the answer, but felt his stomach start to drop as he realized another problem. Oh, crap. His teachers are going to kill him and so will the students he may have pissed off. He wasn't very rational when hungry, but who is? He saw Ryuu sitting across from him, filing her talons. He hopped to his feet and exclaimed he was late as he ran out of the door.