[Center][img]http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/got-banner-2.jpg[/img][/Center] As some of you may know, we have written some lovely RP set in GRRM's setting of A Song of Ice and Fire in the past. I would like to start another, with people old and new. Whether this would be reiteration of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/33295-game-of-thrones-a-song-of-ice-and-fire/ooc]this one[/url], an earlier go or something new is still up for debate. The only thing I really, really want to steer clear of is a 'contemporary' RP. I don't want to simply re-tell what's on TV or in the excellent books. This intcheck is simply to test the waters and ask for story (and time-frame) suggestions. For those whose interest is piqued but not really have an idea of what to expect, I suggest you check out the link above so you can get an idea. So... crack at it. Tell me what you'd like to see.