cs modle Apperance: Age: Personality: Bio: extra cs stuff Skills: Weapons: Armor: [hider= Shadow] Apperance: [img]http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk309/vampire_amaya/anime/Assassin.jpg[/img] Age: 25 Personality: he is calm and quiet at all times Bio: watched his parents as they were cut apart infront of him. he has trained himself to be one of the best assassins anywhere. [/hider] [hider=Shadow] Skills: potion master, blade master, armorer, top class archer, poison expert. Weapons: poison daggers, one custom built lance, solid oak bow, normal daggers, four silver swords each with a different poison infused in the blade. Armor: his armor is his own build it can take any blow that you can dish out and not transfer the vibrations to Shadow. it is light enough that he can move at his top speed all he wants. the armor has several hidden pocket to hold daggers and other weapons. [/hider]