[hider=First pair] Appearance [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/232/8/3/Kori_by_cduki_by_Gash_Bell_fans.jpg[/img] Name Kori Age 15 Personality Kori might not be the smartest or most serious Mamodo but he understands the value of friends and is loyal to them.He is hard to anger and harder to calm down when angry. When not fighting he can be found trying out some human creation that doesn't exist in Mamodo World. Spell Theme Metal [hider=spell list] 1 Garon: A giant spiked metal pillar extends from Kori's hand. 2 Ganzu Garon: Kori fires multiple spiked balls from his hand. 3 Zerusen:Kori's fists turn to steel an shoot at the enemy like rockets. They can be controlled 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [/hider] Color of Book yellow Human Partner Appearance [img]http://herorp2.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/4/2/10424393/_8526968.jpg[/img] Name Ryu Hideo age 16 Personality Despite his looks Ryu is actually a pretty friendly, he just grew up in a tough neighborhood and as such has developed a habit of acting and looking intimidating. He hates bullies, but because he believes people have to fight their own battles in order to grow stronger, he will only help out when the victim is outnumbered/clearly outmatched. [/hider] [hider=back up pair ] Appearance [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/301/a/7/_chrono__by_leonstar123-d5j87tk.jpg[/img] Name Chrono Age 13 Personality As his element suggests Chrono is a hothead who commonly acts without thinking, and as such as willing to let others make the plans. He does learn from his mistakes though. He is also willing to give his friends the benefit of the doubt, when it comes to important matters. Spell Theme Fire [hider=spell list] 1 Fureido: Chrono shoots flames towards the enemy. 2 Rin Fureido Chrono shoots rings of fire. 3 Karping Gadyoo: Creates a large, concentrated beam of fire. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [/hider] Color of Book Purple Human Partner Appearance [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/047/4/0/hasil_gambar_by_yraell-d76oweh.png[/img] Name Yuuji Sakamoto age 17 personality Yuuji genuinely cares for his friends, even as he lets them take the fall for something he did or steals their lunch. He is also pretty smart and often comes up with surprisingly good ideas. [/hider]