Akira rubbed his head and pouted a little at K-Hoshira-sensei's reprimand, though it was completely justified. "Gomen, Hoshira-sensei, My step-father is from America, New York to be exact, and while we're not exactly close, I still seemed to have picked up his bad habits." Akira quickly bounced back, and followed his sensei with a perpetual hop in his step. "I'm glad to be in the class to, and I don't think you're that creepy. In fact, I think your blue skin's actually kind of cool. Would you mind if I paint your portrait sometime, it's a hobby of mine to paint things that are unique and interesting." They soon arrived at the lab, where Hoshira explained some ground rules, which Akira made sure to write down in his note-pad, also adding in some of the events of the ceremoney that seemed important. At her joke about sleeping naked, Akira surpressed a blush with his ability, one of the many lesser-known uses for haemokinesis he had discovered over the years. "Got it, knock first." Akira confirmed, eyes fastened to the scythe aa he walked in. [i]'Yeah, defintely will not be forgetting that anytime soon. Also, Hoshiira sensi is offically the coolest teacher ever, no contest.'[/i] Focusing back on said teacher as she asked about his interest in magic, Akira took a moment to think about why he wanted to learn magic. Following her to the classroom, he took a few minutes before answering. "Magic is such a vast and interesting power, filled with limitless possibilities to explore. I want to expand my horizons, to go beyond the constraints of reality. Plus, it'll give me more power to protect my friends, my family, and anyone who needs help." Akira's smile faded, however, as he voiced his final reason, eyes growing slighty dim as he delved into his memories. "And maybe Magic will be able to help me get rid of a problem I've had for a long, long time."