[hider=Jasmine Berdeen] [b]NAME: Jazz Berdeen[/b] [b]AGE: 19[/b] [b]GENDER:Female [/b] [b]ZONE: 2[/b] [b]PERSONALITY: Jazz is very quiet, collected, calm most of the time. She doesn't do anything irrational and thinks things through before she actually gets them done. She hates when people do things just off the win. She is very logical and does not like to go on impulse. She trusts her brain more than her gut or heart, which sometimes makes her a very monotone, blunt person. Once she gets to know a person, her better side comes out. She loves writing, singing, dancing, and anything that has to do with the arts.[/b] [b]HISTORY:[/b] She doesn't seem to talk about it much. All people really know is that she used to have a very large family and now it seems that she is all by herself. All she tells people is that there "was an accident in the lab where her father worked and now I'm by myself". [b]APPERANCE[/b] [list] [*][b]PHYSICAL:[/b] Jazz is very tall for her age. She stands at about 5' 11" (she'll claim 6') and she is very slender, most of it begin muscle. She has very long black hair, going almost all the way down to her lower back and she has small hands and feet. She was a volleyball player earlier in her life, so she has larger thighs. She has very long arms due to swimming. She is very tan, due to surfing. She is the pure image of being a sporty girl. This is the closest image to her [url=http://s3.favim.com/610/46/Favim.com-adorable-beautiful-black-and-white-cute-deviantart-421464.jpg]Jazz[/url] [*][b]IN-ZONE: In both REM and Nexus, Jazz is very, very distinctly avian like. She has large, black wings protruding from her back and her hair turns to feathers. In Nexus, Jazz has her bird eyes and her hair of feathers and her wings, but she really does not have anything else. She grows only a few feet taller, not as a big as some others. Her nails only start coming on at the time, so she looks like a human-bird hybrid with extremely long, sharp fingernails. In REM, she isn't much bigger than in Nexus. She stands at about eight feet tall and has almost a fifty foot wingspan. Her talons have fully come in on her nails and most of the back over her body is covered in feathers to help her fly. The feathers manipulate to cover her frontal regions(ones that don't want to be exposed), but they leave her collar bone and most of her legs exposed. She does not have a beak, but her eyes are now like bird eyes, allowing her to see farther away than normal and she has sharp, smaller teeth in her mouth than she did. She has armor that comes over her breasts and upper stomach and her bottom down to her knees. She also has a helmet that resembles a bird head.[/b][/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [list] [*][b]NEXUS:[/b] In Nexus, she is not as fast as she normally is in REM form and she can't fly. Her eyesight is not as good in Nexus form, but she can still pack one heck of a punch. Because her talons are only partially out, they do not have poison on them as they do in REM form, but she can still cut people with them. [*][b]REM:[/b] In REM form, she can fly as fast and almost as far as she wants to. She does need to rest every once in awhile though. Her talons, now fully formed, have a poison on them that if deposited into an open wound created by her talons, the creature will die almost immediately unless help is given immediately, to which she really only knows the cure for it. She is faster, both in the air and on the ground, in her REM form and she is very strong. She has light bones, which allows her to maneuver easier in the air and on the ground. She has the sight of a hawk in REM.[/list] [b]OTHER:[/b] She tends to keep a lot of secrets to herself. [/hider]