[h1][b]PROMPT 1[/b][/h1] Take the role of your character(s). You wake up one morning after another night of REM Zoning, coupled with the worry of the invading, otherworldly forces. Today, however, you are not situated in your usual place of rest. You find yourself in what looks like a hospital room – you’re on a bed in the corner, there’s a desk with some hung-up cabinets opposite to you, a medium-sized TV hanging from the farthest corner of the ceiling, door to the left of the desk, and one at the end of your bed. And there’s [i]no[/i] window to try and jump out of. After a few minutes of you wondering what’s going on (and/or freaking the hell out), the TV clicks on autonomously. Someone who looks like an absolute nerd (Eli), sitting at a desk full of equipment, stares at you through the screen. And he begins to speak. [b]“Alright. This is an automated message. Do [i]not[/i] be alarmed, everything is [i]fine[/i]. Just remain calm and follow my instructions. In the bathroom to the left of your desk, you’ll find a few folded uniforms. Put one on, and the security lock on the door will recognize you. Once you’re out of the room, follow the green line to the cafeteria on Level C. Stairs or the elevators, you can use either. [i]Don’t[/i] delay, [i]don’t[/i] get distracted, just… [i]get there[/i]. If for some reason you need any form assistance, there are service bots stationed in the halls that can help you. That is all.”[/b] The TV shuts itself off after the message is done playing. [indent][b]FOOTNOTE:[/b] Follow this format for your first post. It doesn’t have to be crazy long, a few short paragraphs will do you just fine. Have your character act out everything up above and find their uniform in the bathroom. They’ll look mostly like scrubs, with a number and color corresponding to your character’s Zone. After that, have them head to the cafeteria level by following the green line with segmented arrows. You can have your character(s) meet up with others, but be sure to get to the cafeteria and take a seat as soon as possible. Once everyone’s situated, I’ll move us along. Also, the service bots are your basic humanoid-white-polymer-exposed-joints-with-no-faces automatons.[/indent] [hr] [hr] [hr] [center][color=red][h1]ACT I: Arrival[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [hr] [hr]