Jasmine’s head flies up off the pillow, taking deep, shaky breaths. She gasps for air and she feels sweat drip down off her face and forehead onto her neck and slips down her shirt. She squints her eyes looking around the room. Everything is blurred in front of her eyes and she clambers slowly out of the bed. Not being able to see where she is, she does know one thing for sure: she was not here when she went to bed. Jazz stumbles blindly over to the desk, seeing her red glasses on it and she pulls them on, pushing them all the way up to her nose. She then notices her little pocket journal tucked neatly under them and she smiles, picking it up as well. She looks around and checks out her surroundings. It looks like… a hospital room. Is she ill? She presses her hand to her forehead, trying to feel her own temperature. It does not work very much, but she feels perfectly fine. She cannot be ill. She has never really been sick before, unless you count puking up poison. She jumps as the television turns on and she sees a very geeky guy looking at her. She frowns, looking at him curiously. What is going on? She listens to what he has to say and she hears the worry and slight fear in his voice. What is he afraid of? She many questions run through her mind that almost unconsciously, she begins to do what he has asked of her. She walks into the bathroom and grabs a white pair of scrubs with a red number 2 stitched into the right arm. She slips into them and walks over to the door. The door clicks open and she walks out, peering out into the hallway. She notices the green light that the man on the television had talked about and she immediately begins to follow it, not wanting to ask for help from any of those automatons standing in the hallways. She didn’t need any help. She walks slowly, carefully, making sure that there are no bad people around, before she follows the green line down the stairs. She passes a few floors before she sees the sign of “Level C” above a doorway. She walks through it carefully and notices the green line disappears into the cafeteria that the man had spoken of. She looks around, not seeing anyone else around. She quickly takes a seat and waits. She then pulls out her little pocket journal and begins to write in it.