“Current system readings indicate a grand total of two-hundred and seventeen subjects. All are in stable condition and are receiving their instructions as we speak.” [color=gray]”And the machine?”[/color] “Ready to start up at any time.” [color=gray]”What’s your plan?”[/color] “Have them all gather in the cafeteria, tell them what’s going on, and then ask for volunteers for the inaugural run.” [color=gray]”Don’t tell me you really think it will be [i]that[/i] easy.”[/color] “I don’t. But I have this… [i]sinking[/i] feeling.” [color=gray]”Whatever it is, don’t let it hamper the operation. You may have convinced the other Board members to support you, but I will be maintaining a close watch on your actions with these…”[/color] “Zoners.” [color=gray]”Change that name. It’s horribly unprofessional.”[/color] “Yes, [i]ma’am[/i].” The communication line is manually terminated. [sub]“Bitch.”[/sub]