She smiled up at him as she was placed onto her bed and let her arms fall from around his neck. She nuzzled cutely into one of the pillows and nodded "It is a wonderful bed. I have a good relationship with my bed. Its always here for me" Aria said laughing a little. She was quiet fond of a good rest. The bed set her back a little bit but she couldnt care less. Comfy bed. She squinted as she looked up at him. Her eyes werent as good as Alisters in the dark, and it was pretty damn dark. She could just about see an outline. "Will you lay next to me?...Just for some reason I feel safest when youre near me" She said shyly as she blushed feeling stupid. How could she feel safest around a person who she just met and on top was a vampire?! She couldnt fathom it but she couldnt help it. He made her feel safe.